Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 2.djvu/1252

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54 STAT.] HONDURAS-EXCHANGE OF PUBLICATIONS-DEC. 2 , 12, 1940 7. It shall be understood that this agreement shall not modify other agreements concerning the exchange of official publications which may be in effect between the departments or instrumentalities of the two Governments. Please accept, Mr. Minister, the assurances of my highest and most distinguished consideration. SALVADOR AGUIRRE His Excellency JOHN D. ERWIN , Envoy Extraordinaryand Minister Plenipotentiary of the United States of America, American Legation. The American Minister to the Honduran Ministerfor Foreign Affairs No. 300 . TEGUCIGALPA, D. C ., December 12, 1940. EXCELLENCY: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your kind Note No. 789, of December 2, 1940, stating that Your Excellency's Government is agreeable to the conclusion of an agreement with the United States for the exchange of certain official publications listed in my Note No. 286, of November 8, 1940, 7 in the manner proposed by the Librarian of Congress, and in accordance with the Buenos Aires convention. I have been authorized by my Government to conclude this agree- ment, whose terms have been set forth in the referred to notes ex- changed between Your Excellency and myself on behalf of our re- spective Governments. The agreement may be considered in effect from this date forth, placing upon a formal and more permanent basis the informal arrangement heretofore in effect upon this subject. Please accept, Excellency, the renewed assurances of my highest esteem and most distinguished consideration. JOHN D. ERWIN His Excellency Dr. SALVADOR AGUIRRE, Ministerfor ForeignAffairs, Tegucigalpa, D.C . 7 [Not printed.] Agreement by U. S. 2473