Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 2.djvu/1205

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [54 STAT. October 14 and 31, and November 7,1940 [E. A. 8. No. 187] Agreement between the United States of America and Canada respecting Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Waterway. Effected by exchanges of notes signed October 14 and 31 and November 7, 1940. The Secretary of State to the CanadianMinister DEPARTMENT OF STATE WASHINGTON October 14, 1940 Sm: I have the honor to refer to the conversations which have taken place recently between officials of the Governments of the United States and Canada in regard to the desirability of taking immediate steps looking to the early development of certain portions of the Great Lakes - St. Lawrence Basin project. These conversations have indicated that there is apprehension in both countries over the pos- sibility of a power shortage; these apprehensions have been height- ened by the necessity for increased supplies of power in consequence of Canada's war effort and of the major national defense effort in the United States. U.8.proposals. In the light of these considerations the Government of the United States proposes that each Government appoint forthwith a Tempo- rary Great Lakes - St. Lawrence Basin Committee consisting of not more than five members. These two Committees would cooperate in preliminary engineering and other investigations for that part of the project which is located in the International Rapids Section of the St. Lawrence River, in order that the entire project may be un- dertaken without delay when final decision is reached by the two Advace offunds. Governments. The Government of the United States is prepared to advance the necessary funds up to $1,000,000 to pay for these prelim- inary engineering and other investigations, on the understanding that their cost shall ultimately be prorated by agreement between the two Governments. tsliznation bf ce- Meanwhile, to assist in providing an adequate supply of power to terlo. meet Canadian defense needs and contingent upon the Province of Ontario's agreeing to provide immediately for diversions into the Great Lakes System of waters from the Albany River Basin which normally flow into Hudson Bay, the Government of the United States will interpose no objection, pending the conclusion of a final Great Lakes- St. Lawrence Basin agreement between the two coun- tries, to the immediate utilization for power at Niagara Falls by the Province of Ontario of additional waters equivalent in quantity to the diversions into the Great Lakes Basin above referred to. 2426