Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 2.djvu/1100

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54 STAT.] ARGENTINA-MILITARY AVIATION INSTRUCTIONS-JUNE 29, 1940 their technical and professional capacities, acting as technical ad- visers and instructors with regard to aviation when so requested by the Minister of War, Argentine Republic; b) To advise the Commanding Officer of the Army Air Forces cooperating with him in all mat- ters pertaining to same, prescrib- ing the courses and assisting in the instruction; c) To instruct personally in their capacities as instructors of bombing, aerial gunnery, aerial tactics, blind and night flying and navigation, as regards both theory and flying, the students who are detailed to them in a complete course dealing with the subject for which they shall draw up a program in accordance with the directives of the Commander of the Air Forces of the Army; d) To obey without any reser- vations except such as may be required by the obligations of their oaths as officers of the United States Army, the orders of the service which may be given to them by the Minister of War or his lawful deputy, relative to the performances of their duties. In case of noncompliance with this provision the Party of the First Part shall be empowered to cancel the present contract, under the conditions set forth in Article 9; e) The Parties of the Second Part shall participate in such air flights as may be required in the performance of their duties; pro- vided further, that the Argentine Government shall place an air- plane at their disposal for such periodic flights as may be re- quired to maintain their status as pilots under United States Army Regulations. In making flights no liability is assumed by the mientos tecnicos y profesionales actuando como informantes e in- structores con relaci6n a la avis- ci6n cuando asi sean requeridos por el Ministro de Guerra de la Repfblica Argentina; b) Asesorar al Comandante de Aviaci6n de Ejercito cooperando con 61 en todas las materias relativas a las mismas, prescri- biendo los cursos y cooperando en la instrucci6n; c) A instruir personalmente en sus caracteres de profesores de bombardeo, de tiro a6reo, de tactica a6rea, de vuelo a ciegas y nocturno y de navegaci6n, tanto en la parte te6rica como en vuelo, a los alumnos que se les designen en un curso completo de las materias, para el cual deberin con- feccionar los programas segin las directivas del Comandante de Aviaci6n de Ejercito; d) Cumplir sin restricci6n alguna, excepto las obligaciones que les imponen sus juramentos como oficiales del Ejercito de los E.E.U .U ., las 6rdenes del servicio que se les impartan por el Minis- tro de Guerra o su debido represen- tante, relativas al desempefio de sus funciones. Caso contrario faculta a la Primera Parte para cancelar el presente contrato en las condiciones que establece el Articulo 9°; e) Las Segundas Partes par- ticiparAn en los vuelos que sean necesarios pars el cumplimiento de sus obligaciones y con la con- dici6n de que el Gobierno Argen- tino pondra aeroplanos a disposi- ci6n de las Segundas Partes pars efectuar los vuelos peri6dicos que sean necesarios para mantener sus entrenamientos de pilotos como lo requieran los Reglamentos del Ejercito de los E.E.U .U . Al efec- 2321