Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 1.djvu/668

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634 Emergency Relief Appropriation Act, fiscal year 1941, amendment. Ante, p . 612. Reappropriation. 63 Stat. 1305. Transfer of funds. Ante, pp. 139, 134. Golden Gate Inter. national Exposition. 50 Stat. 488. Ante, p. 215 . Reappropriation. Contracts. 50 Stat. 759 . 53 Stat. 543. 49 Stat. 1985. 46 U. S. C., Supp. V, ch. 27. New York World's Fair. 60 Stat. 493. Ante, p. 216. Reappropriation. PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 437--JUNE 27, 1940 [54 STAT. changing "June 30, 1940" therein to "June 30, 1941"; and section 202 is amended by changing "July 1, 1940" therein to "July 1, 1941". WORK PROJECTS ADMINISTRATION Subdivision (3) of subsection (b) of section 1 of the Emergency Relief Appropriation Act, fiscal year 1941, is hereby amended by inserting the following after the word "training": "for manual occu- pations in industries engaged in production for national defense purposes,". GENERAL ANTHONY WAYNE MEMORIAL COMMISSION The unexpended balance on June 30, 1940, of the appropriation for the General Anthony Wayne Memorial Commission contained in the Third Deficiency Appropriation Act, fiscal year 1939, is hereby made available for the same purposes during the fiscal year 1941. NATIONAL ARCHIVES There is hereby transferred from the appropriation, "Salaries and Expenses, Veterans' Administration, 1941", the sum of $13,560, to the appropriation, "Salaries and Expenses, National Archives, 1941". UNITED STATES GOLDEN GATE INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION COMMISSION For an additional amount for carrying into effect the provisions of the joint resolution providing for the participation of the United States in the world's fair to be held by the San Francisco Bay Expo- sition, Incorporated, in the city of San Francisco during the year 1939, approved July 9, 1937, as amended by joint resolution, approved May 14, 1940 (Public Resolution Numbered 71), $200,000; and the unexpended balance of the appropriation heretofore made for carry- ing out such public resolution of July 9, 1937, is hereby reappropri- ated and consolidated with this appropriation and such consolidated sum shall be available for the payment of obligations under both public resolutions referred to in this paragraph and shall remain available until the termination of the Commission. UNITED STATES MARITIME COMMISSION In addition to the contract authorizations of $115,000,000 contained in the Third Deficiency Appropriation Act, fiscal year 1937, and $230,000,000 in the Independent Offices Appropriation Act, 1940, the Commission is authorized to enter into contract for further carrying out the provisions of the Merchant Marine Act, 1936, as amended, in an amount not to exceed $50,000,000. UNITED STATES NEW YORK WORLD'S FAIR COMMISSION For an additional amount for carrying into effect the provisions of the joint resolution authorizing Federal participation in the New York World's Fair, 1939, approved July 9, 1937, as amended by joint resolution, approved May 14, 1940 (Public Resolution Numbered 72), $275,000; and the unexpended balance of the appropriation hereto- fore made for carrying out such public resolution of July 9, 1937, is hereby reappropriated and consolidated with this appropriation