Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 1.djvu/615

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54 STAT.] 76TH CONG., 3D SESS. -CH. 428 -JUNE 26, 1940 AMERICAN PRINTING HOUSE FOR THE BLIND To enable the American Printing House for the Blind more ade- quately to provide books and apparatus for the education of the blind in accordance with the provisions of the Act approved February 8, 1927 (20 U. S. C. 101), $115,000. CIVILIAN CONSERVATION CORPS For all authorized and necessary expenses to carry into effect the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to establish a Civilian Con- servation Corps, and for other purposes", approved June 28, 1937, as amended, including personal services in the District of Columbia and elsewhere; the purchase and exchange of lawbooks, books of reference, periodicals, and newspapers; rents in the District of Columbia and elsewhere; the purchase (including exchange), opera- tion, maintenance and repair of motor-propelled and horse-drawn passenger-carrying vehicles to be used only for official purposes; hire, with or without personal services, of work animals, animal-drawn and motor-propelled vehicles, and watercraft; printing and binding; travel expenses, including not to exceed $2,000 for expenses of attend- ance at meetings concerned with the work of the corps when spe- cifically authorized by the Director; construction, improvement, repair, and maintenance of buildings, but the cost of any building erected hereunder shall not exceed $25,000; and all other necessary expenses; of which $176,880,000 shall be available only for pay, sub- sistence, clothing (and repair thereof) transportation, and hospitali- zation of enrollees; and $325,000 may be expended in the District of Columbia for salaries and expenses of the office of the Director; $280,000,000: Provided,That an enrollee in the Civilian Conservation Corps, or member, or former member of the Military Establishment, who shall furnish blood from his or her veins for transfusion to the veins of an enrollee or discharged enrollee of the Civilian Con- servation Corps undergoing treatment in a Government or civilian hospital authorized to treat such patient, shall be entitled to be paid therefor a reasonable sum not to exceed $50 for each of such trans- fusions undergone: Provided further, That the Director may author- ize the exchange of motor-propelled and horse-drawn vehicles, tractors, road equipment, and boats, and parts, accessories, tires, or equipment thereof, in whole or in part payment for vehicles, tractors, road equipment, or boats, or parts, accessories, tires, or equipment of such vehicles, tractors, road equipment, or boats which the corps has acquired: Provided further, That expenditures under the several classes of objects of expenditure for which this appropriation is available shall not exceed by more than 10 per centum the amounts estimated for such objects of expenditure by classes, in the schedule for the fiscal year 1941 appearing in the Budget for such fiscal year under this head, such amounts to be amended to reflect any propor- tionate change which each should bear in connection with the total amount appropriated herein, and any such excess up to 10 per centum must be approved in writing by the Federal Security Administrator in such amounts as he shall designate: Provided further, That the foregoing proviso shall not apply, to whatever extent the President shall direct, in the event of an emergency declared, by the President, to exist. OFFICE OF EDUCATION 581 Expenses. 44 Stat. 1060. 20 U. S. C. §101; Supp. V, I 101. Expenses. Post, p. 625. 60 Stat. 319. 16 U. 8. C., Supp. V, §§ 684-54q. Construction, etc., of buildings. Pay, ete., of en- rollees. Post, p. 1033. Provisos. Payment for blood transfusion. Exchange of vehi- cles, etc. Limitation on ex- penditureas. Post, p. 1033 . Emergencies ex- cepted. Salaries: For the Commissioner of Education and other personal saar. - services in the District of Columbia, $282,100.