Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 1.djvu/446

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412 Registers. Contingent ex- penses of land offices. Prosiso. Restriction. Fire prevention, etc., in Alaska. Payments to States. Proviso. Expenditures lim- ited. 48 Stat. 1227 . 31U. S.C.6725c. Revested Oregon and California Rail road, etc., grantlands Conservation man agement. Personal services. Proviso. Reimbursement. 0 S tat. 876. 63 Stat. 754. Range improve ments outside of gra ing districts. 48 Stat. 1275, 1273 49 Stat. 1978. 43 U.S. C. II315n 315i; Supp. V , § 315n 3151. Proeiso. Limitation. Payment to Okl homa. 42 Stat. 1448. 30U.S.C. 233. PUBLIC LAWS-COH. 395-JUNE 18, 1940 [54 STAT. Registers: For salaries and commissions of registers of district land offices, $78,000. Contingent expenses of land offices: For clerk hire, rent, and other incidental expenses of the district land offices, including the expenses of depositing public money; traveling expenses of clerks detailed to examine the books and management of district land offices and to assist in the operation of said offices, and for traveling expenses of clerks transferred in the interest of the public service from one dis- trict land office to another, $154,560: Provided, That no expenses chargeable to the Government shall be incurred by registers in the conduct of local land offices except upon previous specific authoriza- tion by the Commissioner of the General Land Office. For the prevention and suppression of fires on the public domain in Alaska, including the maintenance of patrols, the employment of field personnel, and the use of airplanes by charter or otherwise, $27,000, of which not to exceed $1,000 may be used for the mainte- nance and operation of motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicles. Payments to States of 5 per centum of proceeds from sales of public lands: For payment to the several States of 5 per centum of the net proceeds of sales of public lands lying within their limits, for the purpose of education or of making public roads and improve- ments, $7,500: Provided, That expenditures hereunder shall not exceed the aggregate receipts covered into the Treasury in accord- ance with section 4 of the Permanent Appropriation Repeal Act, 1934. Revested Oregon and California Railroad and Reconveyed Coos - Bay Wagon Road Grant Lands, Oregon: For carrying out the pro- visions of title I of the Act entitled "An Act relating to the revested Oregon and California Railroad and Reconveyed Coos Bay Wagon Road Grant Lands situated in the State of Oregon", approved August 28, 1937 (50 Stat. 874), including fire protection and patrol on these and adjacent and intermingled public lands, through coop- erative agreements with Federal, State, and county agencies, or otherwise, and including travel and other necessary expenses, and including not to exceed $5,000 for personal services in the District of Columbia, and not to exceed $2,000 for the purchase, exchange, operation, and maintenance of motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicles, $150,000: Provided, That such expenditures shall be reim- bursed from the 25 per centum referred to in section c, title II of the Act approved August 28, 1937, of the special fund designated the "Oregon and California Land Grant Fund" and section 4 of the Act approved May 24, 1939, of the special fund designated the "Coos Bay Wagon Road Grant Fund". Range improvements on public lands outside of grazing districts (receipt limitation): For construction, purchase, and maintenance of range improvements on the public lands subject to grazing leases 3; under the provisions of section 15 and pursuant to the provisions i, of section 10 of the Act of June 28, 1934 (48 Stat. 1269), as amended n' by the Act of June 26, 1936 (49 Stat. 1976), $60,000, including not to exceed $1,200 for the purchase, exchange, operation, and mainte- nance of motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicles: Provided, That expenditures hereunder shall not exceed 25 per centum of all moneys received under the provisions of section 15 of said Act during the fiscal years 1940 and 1941. Payment to Oklahoma from royalties, oil and gas, south half of Red River: For payment of 371/2 per centum of the royalties derived from the south half of Red River in Oklahoma under the provi- sions of the Act of March 4, 1923 (30 Stat. U. S . C. 233), which shall be paid to the State of Oklahoma in lieu of all State and local