Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 1.djvu/228

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PUBLIC LAWS--CH. 189-MAY 14, 1940 Field office service. Transportation of household effects. Customs statistics. 42 Stat. 1109. Attendance at meet- ings. mental personnel of the Bureau shall be payable from the amount herein appropriated. Field office service: For salaries (not to exceed $397,000) and all other expenses necessary to operate and maintain regional, district, and cooperative branch offices for the collection and dissemination of information useful in the development and improvement of commerce throughout the United States and its possessions, including foreign and domestic newspapers (not exceeding $300), periodicals and books of reference, and packing, crating, and transporting personal house- hold effects of employees (not exceeding 5,000 pounds in any one case) when transferred from one official station to another for permanent duty, $422,000. Customs statistics: For all expenses necessary for the operation of the section of customs statistics transferred to the Department of Commerce from the Treasury Department by the Act approved Janu- ary 5, 1923 (15 U. S. C . 194), and expenses connected with the monthly publication of statistics showing the United States exports and imports by customs districts and destinations, including personal serv- ices in the District of Columbia (not to exceed $75,000) and elsewhere; rent of or purchase of tabulating, punching, sorting, and other mechanical labor-saving machinery or devices, including adding, typewriting, billing, computing, mimeographic, multigraphing, photo- stat, and other duplicating machines and devices, including their exchange and repair; telegraph and telephone service; freight, express, drayage; tabulating cards, stationery, and miscellaneous office supplies; books of reference and periodicals; furniture and equip- ment; ice, water, heat, light, and power; streetcar fare; and all other necessary incidental expenses not included in the foregoing, $381,000. The appropriation in this title for traveling expenses shall be avail- able in an amount not to exceed $7,000 for expenses of attendance at meetings concerned with the promotion of foreign and domestic com- merce, or either, and also expenses of illustrating the work of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce by showing of maps, charts, and graphs at such meetings, when incurred on the written authority of the Secretary of Commerce. BUREAU OF THE CENsUs texeCnsusothe Sx- For continuing the work of taking, compiling, and publishing the Ante, p. 87. Sixteenth Census of the United States, as authorized by the Act of 6 Stat.21. June 18, 1929 (13 U. S. C. 201-218), and the national census of v,13u. .,ioSupp. housing as authorized by the Act of August 11, 1939 (53 Stat. 1406) and for carrying on other authorized census work, including personal services and rentals in the District of Columbia and elsewhere; the Monographs. cost of transcribing State, municipal, and other records; contracts for the preparation of monographs on census subjects and other work of specialized character which cannot be accomplished through ordi- nary employment; per diem compensation of employees of the Department of Commerce and other departments and independent establishments of the Government who may be detailed for field work; expenses of attendance at meetings concerned with the collec- tion of statistics, when incurred on the written authority of the Secretary of Commerce; purchase of books of reference, periodicals, maps, newspapers, manuscripts, first-aid outfits for use in the build- ings occupied by employees of the census; maintenance, operation and repair of a passenger-carrying automobile to be used on official busi- abuaing, etc., ness; construction, purchase, exchange, or rental of punching, tabu- lating, sorting, and other labor-saving machines, including technical, mechanical, and other services in conection therewith; printing and [54 STAT. 194