Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 1.djvu/224

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 189-MAY 14, 1940 Printing and bind- ing. Rio Grande rectifi- cation project. 48 Stat. 1621. Funds continued available. 53 Stat. 894. Lower Rio Grande flood-control project. Balances reappro- priated. Proiso. Approval of title to acquired land, etc. Rio Grande canali- zation project. Balances reappro- priated. 53 Stat. 894. Expenses under treaty obligations. 44 Stat. 2102 . Demarcation of boundary lines. Salaries and ex- penses. Post, p. 650 . packing, and crating of personal effects of employees upon change of station for permanent duty not to exceed five thousand pounds in any one case); printing and binding; communication services; equipment, materials and supplies, including purchase of ice, rubber boots, and waders for official use of employees, and such other miscel- laneous expenses as the Secretary of State may deem necessary: Rio Grande rectification project: For completion of the rectifica- tion of the Rio Grande in the El Paso-Juarez Valley under the convention concluded February 1, 1933, between the United States and Mexico, the funds made available under this head in the Depart- ment of State Appropriation Act, 1940, are continued available in an amount not to exceed $60,000 until June 30, 1941. Lower Rio Grande flood-control project: For the United States portion of the project for flood control on the Lower Rio Grande, as authorized by the Act approved August 19, 1935, as amended (49 Stat. 660, 1370), $950,000, together with the unexpended balances of the appropriations for this purpose for the fiscal year 1940: Provided, That no part of this appropriation for the Lower Rio Grande flood-control project shall be expended for construction on any land, site, or easement until title thereto has been conveyed to the United States by donation and the same has been approved by the Attorney General of the United States. Rio Grande canalization project: For the Rio Grande canalization project as authorized by the Acts approved August 29, 1935 (49 Stat. 961), and June 4, 1936 (49 Stat. 1463), $500,000, together with the unexpended balances of the appropriations under this head for the fiscal year 1940. INTERNATIONAL BOUNDARY COMMISSION, UNITED STATES AND CANADA AND ALASKA AND CANADA To enable the President to perform the obligations of the United States under the treaty between the United States and Great Britain in respect of Canada, signed February 24, 1925; for salaries and expenses, including the salary of the Commissioner and salaries of the necessary engineers, clerks, and other employees for duty at the seat of government and in the field; cost of office equipment and supplies; necessary traveling expenses; commutation of subsistence to employees while on field duty, not to exceed $4 per day each, but not to exceed $1.75 per day each when a member of a field party and subsisting in camp; for payment for timber necessarily cut in keeping the boundary line clear, not to exceed $500; and for all other necessary and reasonable expenses incurred by the United States in maintaining an effective demarcation of the international boundary line between the United States and Canada, and Alaska and Canada under the terms of the treaty aforesaid, including the completion of such remaining work as may be required under the award of the Alaskan Boundary Tribunal and existing treaties between the United States and Great Britain, and including the hire of freight- and passenger-carrying vehicles from temporary field employees, to be disbursed under the direction of the Secretary of State, $43,000. WATERWAYS TREATY, UNITED STATES AND GREAT BRITAIN: INTERNATIONAL JOINT COMMISSION, UNITED STATES AND GREAT BRITAIN Salaries and expenses: For salaries and expenses, including sal- aries of clerks and other employees appointed by the Commissioners on the part of the United States, with the approval solely of the Secretary of State; for necessary traveling expenses, and for expenses incident to holding hearings and conferences at such places in Canada [54 STAT.