Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 1.djvu/194

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 139-APR . 22 , 1940 Inaugural Ceremonies to be appointed with the approval of the President-elect for the use of any reservations or other public spaces in the District of Columbia under their control on the occasion of Prodison. the inauguration of the President-elect in January 1941: Provided, That in their opinion no serious or permanent injuries will be thereby inflicted upon such reservations or public spaces or statuary thereon; and the Commissioners of the District of Columbia may designate for such and other purposes, on the occasion aforesaid, such streets, avenues, and sidewalks in said District of Columbia under their con- stupervision of trot as they may deem proper and necessary: Provided, however, That all stands or platforms that may be erected on the public space, as aforesaid, including such as may be erected in connection with the display of fireworks, shall be under the said supervision of the said inaugural committee, and no stand shall be built on the sidewalk, streets, parks, and public grounds of the District of Columbia, not including the area on the south side of Pennsylvania Avenue directly in front of the White House, except such as are approved by the inaugural committee, the building inspector of the District of Colum- st retcm. of bia, and the Administrator of the Federal Works Agency: And pro- vided further, That the reservations or public spaces occupied by the stands or other structures shall, after the inauguration, be promptly restored to their condition before such occupation, and that the inaugural committee shall indemnify the appropriate agency of the Government for any damages of any kind whatsoever upon such reservations or spaces by reason of such use. toerhed dlu Sr. . The Commissioners of the District of Columbia are hereby authorized to permit the committee on illumination of the inaugural committee for said inaugural ceremonies, to stretch suitable overhead conductors, with sufficient supports wherever necessary, for the pur- pose of connecting with the present supply of light for the purpose of Prooiso. . effecting the said illumination: Provided,That, if it shall be necessary to erect wires for illuminating or other purposes over any park or reservation in the District of Columbia, the work of erection and removal of said wires shall be under the supervision of the official in Time limitation. charge of said park or reservation: Provided further, That the said conductors shall not be used for conveying electrical currents after January 24, 1941, and shall, with their supports, be fully and entirely removed from the streets and avenues of the said District of Columbia Safety precaution. o11or before January 31, 1941: Providedfurther, That the stretching and removing of the said wires shall be under the supervision of the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, or such other officials as may have jurisdiction in the premises, who shall see that the provisions of this resolution are enforced, that all needful precautions are taken for the protection of the public, and that the pavement of any street, avenue, or alley disturbed is replaced in as good condition as before entering upon the work herein authorized: And provided further, No Federal or lcal That no expense or damage on account of or due to the stretching, operation, or removal of the said temporary overhead conductors shall be incurred by the United States or the District of Columbia. eoan o tents, cags SEC. 3. The Secretary of War and the Secretary of the Navy be, and they are hereby, authorized to loan to the Committee on Inaug- ural Ceremonies such hospital tents, smaller tents, camp appliances, ensigns, flags, signal numbers, and so forth, belonging to the Govern- ment of the United States (except battle flags), that are not now in use and may be suitable and proper for decoration, and which may, in their judgment, be spared without detriment to the public service, such flags to be used in connection with said ceremonies by said com- mittee under such regulations and restrictions as may be prescribed by the said Secretaries, or either of them, in decorating the fronts of 160 [54 STAT.