Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 1.djvu/164

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PUBLIC LAWS--H . 107-APR . 18, 1940 PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION pe inistrative ex- Not to exceed $3,585,000 of the funds appropriated by the Public 52 Stat. 816. Works Administration Appropriation Act of 1938 shall be available for administrative expenses of said Administration, which adminis- trative expenses shall include personal services in the District of Travel expenses. Columbia and elsewhere; travel expenses. in accordance with the Standardized Government Travel Regulations and the Act of June 44Stat.688. 3, 1926, as amended (5 U. S. C. 821-833); printing and binding; purchase including exchange of lawbooks, and books of reference, and not to exceed $500 for periodicals, newspapers, and press clip- pings; procurement of supplies, equipment, and services; not to Attendanceat meet exceed $500 for expenses of attendance, when specifically authorized by the Commissioner, at meetings concerned with the work of the Administration; rent in the District of Columbia and elsewhere; Proeso. and all other necessary administrative expenses: Provided, That except for the limitations in amounts hereinbefore specified, and the restrictions in respect to travel expenses, the administrative expenses and other obligations of the Administration shall be incurred, 48 Stat. 2 40- allowed, and paid in accordance with the provisions of title II of the 40 U.S. C. §§ 40l- 411; Supp. V,ch. 8. National Industrial Recovery Act. UNITED STATES HOUSING AUT]HORITY peses and e1- Salaries and expenses: Not to exceed $4,510,000 of the funds of the Pst,p . : United States Housing Authority, established by the United States 42UtS.8. , S pp. Housing Act of 1937, as amended (42 U. S . C., Supp. IV, 1401) shall v, 1a be available for all necessary administrative expenses of the Author- ity in carrying out the provisions of said Act, including personal Printing and bind- services and rent in the District of Columbia and elsewhere; printing and binding; reproducing, photographing, and labor-saving devices and office appliances; not to exceed $5,000 for the purchase and exchange of lawbooks and other books of reference, periodicals, news- Vehicles. papers, and press clippings; not to exceed $4,000 for purchase of seven motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicles, to be used only inendanceatmeet- for official purposes; not to exceed $2,500 for expenses of attendance, when specifically authorized by the Administrator, at meetings or Exhihits. conventions concerned with the work of the Authority; not to exceed $15,000 for the preparation, mounting, shipping, and installation of Special ervices. exhibits; not to exceed $25,000 for employing persons or organiza- tions, by contract or otherwise, for special reporting, engineering, technical, legal, and other services determined necessary by the 41U.S. . 5. Administrator, without regard to section 3709 of the Revised Statutes, 42 Stat. 1488. sU.s .C. 5561-674; and the civil-service laws and the Classification Act of 1923, as SUPoP.vb §' 673c. amended: Provided, That of the funds made available under this Informational serv- paragraph, the amount used by the Authority in connection with its informational service functions, including press and related activities, photographic displays, exhibits, and other educational or descriptive pamphlets or materials, printing, binding, and reproduction of mate- rials involving informational service functions, shall not exceed ectsreibremepntro- $125,000: Providedfurther, That all necessary expenses of providing construction advisers at the site of non-Federal projects, in connec- tion with the construction thereof by public housing agencies with the aid of the Authority, shall be reimbursed or paid by such agen- oxpnses. cies, and expenditures by the Authority from such receipts shall tAnnualsontribn- be considered as nonadministrative expenses. tions in assistance of ow rental. Annual contributions: For the payment of annual contributions 42U. . o., supp. to public housing agencies in accordance with section 10 of the United V, 1410. States Housing Act of 1937, as amended (42 U. S. C ., Supp. IV, 130 [54 STAT.