Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 1.djvu/1344

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Legislative Branch of the Government- Page Continued. Appropriation for-Continued. House of Representatives-Continued. Kefauver, Estes, payment for con- tested-election expenses------ 1031 Laws, preparation and editing of--- 629 Mapes, Carl E., payment to widow of-----

35 Martin, John A., payment to widow of------------------- 35 McMillan, Thomas S., payment to widow of-------------------- 3 Mileage---------------------- 3, 466 Pages------------------------ 3, 628 Pierce, Wallace E., payment to daughter of----------------- 35 Post Office--------------------- 469 Salaries and mileage ------------- 466 Scott, Byron N., payment for con- tested-election expenses ------ 83 Seger, George N., payment to sons and daughter of------------ 1031 Sergeant at Arms, Office of------- 468 Sirovich, William I., payment to sister of-------------------- 83 Smith, Clyde H., payment to widow of ------------------- 628 Speaker, Office of the------------ 466 Speaker's Table----------------- 466 Special and minority employees_ -_ 469 Swanson, Albert F., payment for contested-election expenses- - 1031 Taylor, J. Will, payment to widow of------------------------ 35 Inaugural Ceremonies of 1941, Joint Committee on ---------------- 629 Legislative Counsel, Office of ------- 472 Library of Congress ------ 474, 630,1031 Blind, books for adult -- 476, 630, 1031 Buildings and grounds, care, etc_ 473, 477 Card indexes, distribution of----- 475 Contingent expenses ------------ 476 Copyright Office------------ -- 475 Increase of ------------------- _ 476 Legislative Reference Service --- _ 475 Printing and binding-----...---- 476 Salaries ----------------------- 474 State legislation, index to--- ----- 475 Sunday opening -------- ..-- _ 475, 477 Trust Fund Board---------- _- 477 Union Catalogs --- .-- -- -- -- -- - _ 475 Printing, Joint Committee on ------ 471 Senate --------------- 35, 462, 628,1030 Borah, William E., payment to widow of------------------ 35 Chaplain ---

--- 462 Clerical assistance-------- -464,1030 Committee employees------- 463, 1030 Contingent expenses ---- .. - - 465, 1030 Legislative Branch of the Government- Continued. Appropriation for-Continued. Senate-Continued. Document Room------------ Folding Room--------------- Folding speeches and pamphlets-- Gibson, Ernest W., payment to daughter of------------- Inquiries and investigations------ Kitchens and restaurants--------- Logan, M. M., payment to widow of---------------- - Lundeen, Ernest, payment to widow of----- _--------- Mileage--------------------- Pages----------------------- Post Office ------------------- Salaries and mileage------------ Secretary, Office of the

Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper, Office of --------------- 464, Vice President, Office of the ---- Civil Service Act, extension of, to certain employees -------------------- Legislative Pay Act of 1929, determi- nation of pay rates and designation of positions not established under- _ Private vehicles, restriction on use of funds for maintenance of ------- Legislative Counsel, Office of, appropri- ation for -------- _-_-_- __--___-_- Legislative Pay Act of 1929, determination of pay rates and designation of posi- tions not established under -------- Legislative Reference Service, appropri- ation for------ .


Lehman Caves National Monument, Nev., appropriation for improvements---- Lenoir City, Tenn., appropriation for con- struction of dam near--_-- --------- Lepers, appropriation for care of, Guam; transfer to Culion, P. I ---.... .--- Leupp Hospital, Ariz., appropriation for - Lewis, Charles (Maj.), credit in accounts of- - -.---

- -_----_-__- Lewis, Elmer A., appropriation for salary_ Lexington, Ky., appropriation for mainte- nance, etc., of Public Health Service Hospital------__--___--_____.__- Liberia, appropriation for minister to --- Liberty Bond Act, Second, Amendment, issuance of additional obligations for national defense------------------- Libraries, appropriation for surveys, etc., of -. ... __ Library, Joint Committee on, painting of signing of Constitution, approval of frame for. - . --- _ -- -- -- _____... Page 463 465 628 628 628 35 3 1030 1,462 3,628 465 462 462 1030 462 1212 480 479 472 480 475 451 138 266 426 495 468 586 183 526 582 1209 INDEX LXXIV