Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 1.djvu/1298

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Contingent Expenses-Continued. Page Appropriation for-Continued. Navy Department---------------- 33, 266, 289, 297, 610, 883,973 Post Office Department -.------- --- 71 Public Health Service---------- 584, 1033 Senate---------------------- 465, 1030 State, Department of-------- 89, 182, 1044 Foreign Service ----------- 89, 185, 650 Treasury Department-------- 56, 90, 1045 War Department --- 23, 352, 603, 604, 875 White House Office---------------- 112 Contracts, Public. See Public Contracts. Convention Relating to Liquor Traffic in Africa, appropriation for contri- bution--------------------------- 188 Convict-Made Goods. See Prison-Made Goods. Convicts. See Prisoners, Federal. Cooke, George W. (Maj.), credit in ac- counts of------------------------ 495 Cooperative Associations. See Code amendments under District of Columbia. Cooperative Farm Forestry Act, appropria- tion for carrying provisions into effect---------------------------- 565 Copyright Office: Appropriation for- Catalog of Title Entries, publication of 476 Salaries------------------------- 475 Copyrights: Golden Gate International Exposition of 1940, foreign exhibitors, protec- tion------------------------- 157 Prohibited articles, prevention of impor- tation ----------------------- 10t Renewals and extensions, registration of contributions to composite work - - 51 Corn: Farm normal yields for .......-- -- - "Market," definition of----------- Normal yield per acre, determination of_ Parity payments, appropriation for-- _ Coronado Exposition Commission, report to Congress---------------------- Coronado National Forest, Ariz., protec- tion of scenic values along Catalina Highway------------------------ Corozal, C. Z., appropriation for construc- tion, etc., authorized ------------- Corozal General Depot, C. Z ., appropria- tion for authorized work at------- Corporations, Tax on. See Revenue Act of 1940; Revenue Act of 1940, Second. Corpus Christi, Tex.: Encinal Peninsula, improvement of channel to, authorized.- - -- - - -- - 1211 727 727 728 56; 263 5: 70 36 119 Corpus Christi, Tex.-Continued. Page Naval Air Station, appropriation for construction work, etc ----------- 973 Naval aviation facilities, construction of, appropriation authorized --------- 400 Costa Rica, appropriation for minister to- 183 Cotton: Farm normal yields for-------------- 1211 "Market," definition of ------------ 727 Normal yield, determination of ------ 728 Parity payments, appropriation for---- 563 Cotton Act, appropriation for refund of taxes collected under ------------- 61, 62 Cotton Congress, Pan American, invita- tion to foreign countries to participate authorized ___ --- -- -- --- -- -- --- - - 1225 Cotton Crops and Diseases, appropriation for investigations, etc ------------ 543 Cotton Futures Act, appropriation for carrying provisions into effect------ 556 Cotton Insects, appropriation for control of-----------------------

553 Cotton Quality Statistics and Classing Acts, appropriation for enforcement- 556 Cotton Standards Act, appropriation for carrying provisions into effect------ 556 Coughlin, Robert E. (Capt.), appropriation for payment of claim of------------ 667 Council of National Defense: Appropriation for _-------------- 599, 1032 Employment of persons at $1 per annum---------------------- 599 Courts. See District of Columbia; Jus- tice, Department of; United States Courts. Coykendall, Horatio G. (Lt. Col.), credit in accounts of------------------ 495, 496 Coyne, Frederick E., Jr. (MaJ.), credit in accounts of---------------------- 495 Crandall, Albert C., payment to--------- 640 Crater Lake National Park, Oreg., appro- priation for administration, etc----- 446 Credit Unions, Federal, loans in excess of $100; maximum loans------------- 398 Creek Indians, Okla., appropriation for tuition of pupils --- _- --- -- --- --- 425 Crimes and Misdemeanors. See also Criminal Code, Amendments. Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1933, amendment, removal of commodity from warehouse without cancelation of receipt, penalty-------------- 1019 Aliens- Employment on certain Government contracts, restrictions on; penalty for violation------------------ 680 Obtaining employment by fraud; nenaltv------------------- 680 INDEX XXVIII , - ,, -

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