Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 1.djvu/1283

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Balboa, C. Z. - Continued. Appropriation for-Continued. Naval Radio Station, construction work, etc

- Bald Eagle, regulations for preservation of- Funds available -------------------- Migratory Bird Treaty Act, certain provisions of, made applicable ---- Penalty for violation -------------- Baldwin, N. Y ., Naval Ordnance Plant, appropriation for construction work, etc ---- .___-___----_--------___ Baltimore, Md., appropriation for hydro- graphic office ----

Baltimore Harbor, Md., improvement authorized--------------------- Bang's Disease, appropriation for eradi- cation-_----_--.------------------ Bankhead, William B., payment to widow of--......--------------------. Bankhead-Jones Farm Tenant Act. See Farm Tenant Act. Bankruptcy Act of 1898, Amendments: Basis of property for income-tax pur- poses, determination of.. -- -. --- Face-amount certificate companies, bankruptcy of ---------------- Trustees, appointment------------ Farmers, extension of time for filing in- solvency petitions-------------- "Farmer" construed-------------- Taxing agencies, composition of in- debtedness, additional jurisdiction- Petition for composition-- -------- Hearings on-------------------- Examination of compensation of fiscal agents, etc---------- List of creditors---------------- List of record owners, etc., of real estate involved ----------- Termination of jurisdiction ----- Banks: Federal home-loan, purchase of stock by Reconstruction Finance Corpora- tion authorized --------------- National, charitable contributions, etc., authorized -------------------- Robbery, penalty for receiving loot, etc- Barbee, Bigelow B. (Capt.), payment to estate of ------------------------- Barberry Eradication, appropriation for-- Bard, Calif., appropriation for Yuma Field Station -------------------------- Barksdale Field, La., appropriation for authorized work at--------------- Barro Colorado Island, C. Z ., setting aside of, for scientific study, etc---------- Appropriation authorized ----------- Page 880 250 251 251 251 878 290 1199 540 1031 709 835 836 40 40 667 44 668 669 45 45 670 572 261 695 497 553 639 361 724 725 Barryville, N. Y ., time extended for Page bridging Delaware River at -------- 171 Battle Monuments Commission, American: Appropriation for ----------------- _ 113 Purchases without advertising--------- 1110 Bayonne, N. J., Naval Supply Depot, appropriation for construction work, etc---------------------------- 972 Bayou Lafourche, bridge across, at Ga- liano, La., legalization authorized --- 226 Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge, appro- priation for maintenance----------- 453 Beaufort Library, Beaufort, S. C ., transfer of certain books to, by Library of Congress------------------------ 867 Bee Culture, appropriation for --------- 553 Belgium, appropriation for ambassador to- 183 Bellevue, D. C .: Appropriation for- Naval Research Laboratory, con- struction work, etc --------- 608, 881 Navy Yard, construction, etc------- 607 Beltsville Research Center, Md., appro- priation for------------------ 540, 567 BenjaminHarrisonMemorial Commission: Appropriation for ----------------- 83, 1031 Report to Congress ------ _-----_-- 84 Big Bend Drainage District, Wyo., appro- priation for Indians' pro rata share of cost of operation, etc ----------- 422 Big Bethel Water Development, Fort Monroe, Va., acquisition of additional land; appropriation authorized ------ 705 Big Spring, Tex., appropriation for live- stock experiments and demonstra- tions ---------------------------- 540 Biologic Products, appropriation for regu- lation of sale, etc------------------ 586 Biological Investigations, appropriation for .------------------------ --- 452 Biological Sciences,International Union of, appropriation for contribution ------ 188 Biological Survey, Bureau of. See Inte- rior, Department of the. Bituminous Coal Division. See Interior, Department of the. Black Bass Act, appropriation for enforce- ment---------------------------- 456 Blackfeet Hospital, Mont., appropriation for -------------- ------------- 426 Blackfeet Indian Reservation, Mont., ap- propriation for irrigation systems- - 420, 422 Deferment of certain irrigation charges, approval of -------------------- 105 Blackfeet Indians, Mont., appropriation for construction of homes, etc ------ 417 Blair, Joe, cancelation of patent issued to, for tract of land in Minnesota------- 858 INDEX XiII