Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 1.djvu/1279

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Appropriations-Continued. Mount McKinley National Park, Alaska, tourist facilities, etc., authorized-- National parks, photographs of scenery, preparation of mats for magazines, etc., authorized - ___ __- ---- ---- - Appropriation for --_ -- -- -- -- -- - National Service Life Insurance Act of 1940, authorized --- __- -- -- -- -- - Naval Academy, acceptance of property bequeathed by Dudley F. Wolfe, authorized--------------------- Naval aircraft, acquisition, etc., author- ized --_--_ __------------------ Naval aviation facilities, establishment, etc., authorized __-_----------- Naval Consulting Board, authorized--- Navy- Funeral expenses of personnel and certain civilian employees, au- Page 81 861 1042 1011 179 401 401 396 Appropriations-Continued. Page Soldiers' and Sailors' Civil Relief Act of 1940, payments under insurance provisions, authorized --------- . 1185 Statement of, preparation ------------ 472 Tennessee Valley Authority, additional amount for national defense facili- ties --------------------------- 781 Travel in the United States, encourage- ment of, authorized ------------ 774 University of Pennsylvania, observance of bicentennial, authorized------- 492 Appropriation for-------- _-- - --- 1037 Vessels, regulation of carriage of danger- ous cargoes by, authorized - _-- --- 1028 Wapato Indian irrigation project, Wash., providing additional water for, authorized -_----_-------------- 707 Washington, George, erection of statue of, in District of Columbia, author- ized--------------------------- 299 Water conservation and utilization proj- ects, authorized --------------- 1125 Arbitration: Appropriation for- Bureau of Interparliamentary Union for Promotion of International, contribution-_- ---- ---- ----- -- 187 International Bureau of Permanent Court of, contribution --------- 187 Bureau of Interparliamentary Union for Promotion of International, pur- chases without advertising-------- 1110 Arbitration Boards, National Mediation Board, appropriation for expenses- - 595 Architect of the Capitol: Appropriation for ----- 35, 83, 472, 629, 1031 Constitution, painting of signing of, acquisition of frame for --------- 1209 Iouse of Representatives Restaurant, establishment of deposit account, etc 1056 Marshall, John, statue of, removal to new site authorized ------------- 260 Purchases independent of Procurement Division, Treasury Department-_ _ 473 Traveling expenses, funds available for_ 472 Archives. See National Archives. Argentina, appropriation for ambassador thorized---------------------- 144 Increase of composition, author- ized ----- _--------------- 395, 780 Public work projects, authorized --- 956 Neutrality Act of 1939, authorized --- 12 Appropriation for--- _- -- - - - -- - - 90, 650 New York World's Fair, 1940, participa- tion by United States, authorized- 215 Appropriation for -- _-- --- --- --- -- 634 Patrick Henry National Monument, Va., acquisition of estate to be administered as, authorized------- 18 Appropriation for -------- ------- 448 Prison Industries Reorganization Ad- ministration, authorized --------- 229 Prison-made goods, collection of infor- mation concerning, authorized ---- 402 Appropriation for ------- .. . -- -- -- 1043 Quinaielt Indians, Wash., payment to attorneys of certain, authorized_- - 48 Appropriation for ---------------- 642 Railroad Retirement Act of 1937, inclu- sion of military service for annuity purposes, authorized------------- 1017 Refugees, purchase of agricultural, etc., supplies for -------------

627 Rio Grande canalization project, recon- struction, etc., of certain bridges, authorized --- _---------------- 151 Appropriation for -------- ------ 650 Secretary of Agriculture, delegation of certain regulatory functions, au- thorized------------------------ 82 Selective Training and Service Act of 1940, authorized ---------- ----- 897 Appropriation for - .--------- 966, 970 Sequoia National Forest, Calif., acquisi- tion of lands for soil-erosion, etc., control, authorized ------------- 402 to -------------------------- "Argonaut," U. S. S., appropriation for alterations ---------------- Arid and Semiarid Areas: Appropriation for water facilities---- Water conservation. See Water Con- servation and Utilization Projects. Arizona: Appropriation for- Boulder Dam National Recreational Area, administration, et ------ 183 286 565 449 INDEX IX