Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 1.djvu/1252

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1218 Appointment ofsuc- cessors to judge. Orders for disposi- tion of business, etc. District attorneys and marshals. Terms of court at Nashville, Columbia, and Cookeville. Terms at Memphis and Jackson. Repeal of inconsist- ent laws. PUBLIC LAWS-CHS. 920, 921-NOV. 27, 1940 have the power of appointment and removal of all those officers and employees of the court for the eastern district of Tennessee whose official headquarters are located in the Winchester division and in the southern division of the eastern district of Tennessee and whose appointment is vested by law in a district judge or a senior district judge. The President is authorized to appoint, by and with the con- sent of the Senate, a successor or successors to said judge as vacancies may occur. Nothing herein contained shall be construed to prevent said judge or his successors from becoming the senior district judge by suc- cession, or from exercising the powers and rights of senior district judge of said district. The judge designated herein to hold regular and special terms of court at Winchester and Chattanooga shall make all necessary orders for the disposition of business and assignment of cases for trial in said divisions. The district attorneys and marshals for the eastern, middle, and western districts of Tennessee in office immediately prior to the enactment of this Act shall be during the remainder of their present terms of office the district attorneys and marshals for such districts as constituted by this Act. "(g) The district judge for the middle district of Tennessee shall be the district judge for the middle district of Tennessee as constituted by this Act and shall hold regular and special terms of court at Nash- ville, Columbia, and Cookeville. "(h) The district judge for the western district of Tennessee shall hold regular and special terms of court at Memphis and Jackson." SE. 2. All provisions of law inconsistent with the provisions of this Act are hereby repealed. Approved, November 27, 1940. [CHAPTER 921] November 27, 1940 AN ACT [. 3133] For the relief of the Cherokee Indian Nation or Tribe, and for other purposes. [Public, Nq. 882] Cherokee Indian Nation or Tribe. Appropriation au- thorized. Credit to Cherokee school fund. Reimbursement of attorneys. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That there is hereby authorized to be appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of $2,185.72 with interest at 5 per centum from June 30, 1919, to the date of the appropriation of the said sum herein authorized, which sum was appropriated by the Act of June 30, 1919 (41 Stat. pp. 21, 22), and by the terms of said Act was required to be "credited to the principal of the Cherokee school fund", a trust fund bearing interest at 5 per centum, but which said sum was erroneously deposited in the general fund of the Treasury as miscellaneous receipt, by miscellaneous receipt covering warrant Numbered 122, as of August 14, 1919. When appropriated said money shall be credited to the Cherokee school fundand the Secretary of the Treasury shall pay the said money to the surviving attorneys of the Cherokee Indian Nation or Tribe selected by them in pursuance to the Act of March 19, 1924 (43 Stat. p. 27), to reimburse in part said attorneys for expenses heretofore incurred in the preparation and prosecution of the claims of the said Cherokee Indian Nation or Tribe, brought under said Act of March 19, 1924, in the name of "The Cherokee Nation against the United States". Approved, November 27, 1940. [54 STAT.