Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 1.djvu/1158

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 861-OCT. 14 , 1940 Arrearage penalty. Combination of con- tracts. 16 U. S. C., Supp. V, §§ 590r-5.9x. Limitation on ex- penditures. Combination of project facilities. Disposition of re- ceipts from project operations. Availability of cer- tain funds. Furnishing of water supplies, power, etc. Proviso. Limitation on ex- penditure. Restriction on con- tracts. Federa ttle; trative duties connected with the project, after the Secretary of the Interior announces that the project is ready for operation; (2) if such agreement be entered into after construction of the project has been undertaken by the Secretary of the Interior and after he has entered into the repayment contracts required by section 4, that the Secretary of Agriculture shall take over the collection of repayments and other administrative duties connected with the project; (3) that no water shall be delivered to or for any land or party while the owner of said land or said party is in arrears for more than twelve months in the payment to the United States of money due and pay- able under a land contract entered into pursuant to section 5 (a); and (4) that any repayment contract with a water user or water users' organization entered into pursuant to section 4 and any land contract with the same water user or organization entered into pursuant to section 5 (a), if said contracts involve the same land, may be com- bined in a single instrument. The Secretary of Agriculture is hereby authorized to carry out the provision of any such cooperative agreements. "SEC. 7. On any one project undertaken pursuant to the Act of August 28, 1937, entitled "An Act to promote conservation in the arid and semiarid areas of the United States by aiding in the development of facilities for water storage and utilization, and for other purposes" (50 Stat. 869), as amended and supplemented, expenditures for the construction, maintenance, operation, rehabilitation or financial assist- ance of any one project, shall not exceed $50,000 of Federal funds, whether appropriated or allotted or both. All project facilities and appurtenances which depend for their utility in whole or in part upon each other or upon any common facility shall be deemed one project within the meaning of this section. "SEC. 8 . All payments made to the United States under repayment contracts on account of reimbursable construction costs, including penalties collected for delinquencies in such payments, and all other receipts from project operations pursuant to sections 4 and 9 shall be covered into the Treasury to the credit of miscellaneous receipts. Charges collected during the development period of a project under section 4 (c) (1), excepting such amounts thereof as may be cred- ited to reimbursable construction costs, and charges collected for the operation and maintenance of a project under section 4 (c) (2) shall be available for expenditure for operation and maintenance of said project in like manner as if said funds had been specifically appropriated for said purposes. "SEc. 9. In connection with any project undertaken pursuant to this Act, provisions, including contracts of sale, may be made for furnishing municipal or miscellaneous water supplies, or for develop- ing and furnishing power in addition to the power requirements of irrigation: Provided, That expenditures from appropriations made directly pursuant to the authority contained in section 12 (1) to meet costs allocated to municipal or miscellaneous water supplies or surplus power shall not exceed $500,000 for any one project: Pro- vided further, That no contract relating to a water supply for municipal or miscellaneous purposes or to electric power shall be made unless, in the judgment of the Secretary, it will not impair the efficiency of the project for irrigation purposes. On any project where such provisions are made, the Secretary shall allocate to municipal or miscellaneous water purposes or to surplus power the part of the estimated construction costs of the project which he deems properly so allocable; and such allocations shall not be included in the reimbursable construction costs covered by the repaymen nt contract or contracts required under section 4. All right, title, and interest 1124 [54 STAT.