Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 1.djvu/1006

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972 Miscellaneous ex- penses. Services of experts Ante, pp. 272, 878. Ante, p. 493. Ante, p. 273 Ante p. 274. 53 Stat. 757. Ante, p. 065 . Ante, p. 279. Ante, p. 20 . Public works and public utilties proj- ects. Thir naval district. Ante, p. O9 . Naval Supply De- pot. Bayonne, N. J. Miscellaneous expenses: For an additional amount for the pay of employees assigned to group IV (b) and those performing similar services carried under native and alien schedules in the Schedule of Wages for Civil Employees in the Field Service of the Navy Depart- ment for the fiscal year 1941, $165,000. Not to exceed $5,000 of the appropriation "Miscellaneous expenses, 1941", shall be available in the discretion of the Secretary of the Navy, for the payment of the services of experts now engaged on a survey and study of the methods of transacting the business of the Navy Department. BUREAU OF SHIPS Maintenance, Bureau of Ships: For the same objects specified under the appropriations or portions of appropriations transferred to and consolidated under this head in accordance with section 1 (h) of the Act approved June 20, 1940 (Public, Numbered 644, Seventy-sixth Congress), $11,000,000. BUREAU OF ORDNANCE Ordnance and ordnance stores: For the manufacture and procure- ment of antiaircraft batteries for auxiliary vessels now being acquired and those to be acquired for naval use including labor, material, and personal services for the manufacture and procurement of ordnance material including ammunition in connection therewith and including additional equipment, tools, and facilities at ordnance stations or private plants for the production, handling, and storage of like ord- nance material and ammunition for both combatant and auxiliary vessels, $36,000,000. BUREAU OF SUPPLIES ANDA cCOUNTs Maintenance, Bureau of Supplies and Accounts, $400,000. Reserve material, Navy: For an additional amount for reserve material, Navy, including the same objects specified under this head in the Naval Appropriation Act for the fiscal year 1940 and in title III of the Naval Appropriation Act for the fiscal year 1941, $700,000, to remain available until expended. BUREAU or YARDS AND Docxs PUBLaC WORKS, BUREAU OF YARDS AND DOCKS Toward the following public works and public utilities projects, including the purchase of necessary land, at a cost not to exceed the amount stated for each project, respectively, $9,500,000, which amount, together with unexpended balances of appropriations herein and heretofore made under this head, shall be disbursed and accounted for in accordance with existing law and shall constitute one fund: Third naval district: Graving drydock and accessory construction, New York Harbor, $10,000,000. Naval Supply Depot, Bayonne, New Jersey, area: Fleet supply facilities, including buildings and accessories, and acquisition of land, $5,000,000. PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 756-OCT. 8, 1940 NAVAL ESTABLISHMENT OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY Ante, p. 265. [54 STAT.