Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 53 Part 2.djvu/936

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PUBLIC LAWS-CHS. 696-698-AUG. 11 , 1939 Maintenance in sep- arate fund of desig- nated sums trans- ferred; uses. SEC. 2 . (a) From the fund authorized to be transferred by section 1 hereof, the Secretary of Agriculture is authorized to transfer to the Secretary of the Interior sums as follows to be maintained in a separate fund, $75,000, which shall be used by the Secretary of the Interior to promote the free flow of domestically produced fishery products in commerce by conducting a fishery educational service; and $100,000, which shall be used by the Secretary of the Interior to develop and increase markets for fishery products of domestic origin. Approved, August 11, 1939. [CHAPTER 697] August 11, 1939 [H. R. 5747] [Public, No. 394] Wenatchee Nation- al Forest, Wash. Addition of certain lands authorized. 42 Stat. 465; 43 Stat. 1090. 16U. .C.§§485, 486. Inclusion of public lands. Prior rights not affected. Mineral locations, etc. AN ACT To authorize the addition of certain lands to the Wenatchee National Forest. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That any of the following-described lands which are found by the Secretary of Agriculture to be chiefly valuable for national-forest purposes may be exchanged under the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to consolidate national forest lands", approved March 20, 1922, as amended, and upon acceptance of title therefor shall become parts of the Wenatchee National Forest: Township 25 north, range 21 east, Willamette meridian, section 5; section 6, north half. Township 26 north, range 21 east, Willamette meridian, sections 1 to 8, inclusive; section 17, west half; sections 18 and 19; section 20, west half; section 29, west half; sections 30 and 31. Township 27 north, range 21 east, Willamette meridian, sections 19 to 36, inclusive. SEC. 2 . All public lands within the areas described in section 1 are hereby added to the Wenatchee National Forest and shall hereafter become subject to all laws and regulations applicable to national forests. The addition of such lands shall not affect any entry or vested right under the public land laws initiated prior to the passage of this Act. Lands received in exchange or purchased under the provisions of this Act shall be open to mineral locations, mineral development, and patent, in accordance with the mining laws of the United States. Approved, August 11, 1939. [CHAPTER 698] August 11, 1939 AN ACT [H. R . 6266] Providing for the incorporation of certain persons as Group Hospitalization, Inc. [Public, No. 395] Group Hospitaliza- tion, Inc. Incorporators. Corporate name. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That Arthur C. Christie, doctor of medicine; Major General Charles R. Reynolds; Mrs. Joshua Evans, Junior; Joseph H. Himes; General Frank T. Hines; Frank R. Jelleff; Howard W. Kacy; Mark Lansburgh; Admiral Ross T. McIntire; George H. O'Connor; Sidney F. Talia- ferro; Charles S. White, doctor of medicine; Roger J. Whiteford; Thomas W. Brahany; and E. Barrett Prettyman, and their succes- sors to be selected in the manner hereinafter declared, be, and they hereby are, incorporated and made a body politic and corporate, by the name of "Group Hospitalization, Inc.", and by that name may contract and be contracted with, sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded in any court of law or equity of competent jurisdiction, and may have and use a common seal. 1412 [53 STAT.