Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 53 Part 2.djvu/715

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53 STAT.] 76TH CONG. , 1 ST SESS.-CH. 418-AUG. 4 , 1939 obligations which have not become due and payable by reason of the operation of subsection (d) of this section, until the same have become due and payable as construction charges under said subsection (d), and said charge of 3 per centum shall be payable by the organization to the United States on the same dates as, and in addition to, the annual payments otherwise required under this section. (g) There may be included in any contract entered into pursuant to the authority of this section provisions requiring the organization to vary its distribution of construction charges in a manner that takes into account the productivity of the various classes of lands and the benefits accruing to the lands by reason of the irrigation thereof: Provided, That no distribution of construction charges over the lands included in the organization shall in any manner be deemed to relieve the organization, or any party or any land therein, of the organiza- tion's general obligation to repay to the United States in full the total amount of the organization's repayment contract obligation or obli- gations as determined under subsection (b) of this section. SEC. 5 . The Secretary in his discretion may require, in connection with any contract entered into pursuant to the authority of this Act, that the contract provide (1) that the payments for each year to be made to the United States shall become due and payable on such date or dates, not exceeding two, in each year as the Secretary determines will be substantially contemporaneous with the time or times in each year when water users receive crop returns and (2) if the contract be with an organization, that assessments or levies for the purpose of obtaining moneys sufficient to meet the organization's payments under said contract shall be made and shall become due and payable within a certain period or periods of time prior to the date or dates on which the organization's payments to the United States are due and payable, said period or periods of time to be agreed upon in each said contract. The Secretary may provide such deferments of construction charges as in his judgment are necessary to prevent said requirements from resulting in inequitable pyramiding of payments of said charges. SEC. 6 . In connection with any contract, relating to construction charges, entered into pursuant to the authority of this Act, the Secretary is hereby authorized to require such provisions as he deems proper to secure the adoption of proper accounting, to protect the condition of project works and to provide for the proper use thereof, and to protect project lands against deterioration due to improper use of water. Any such contract shall require advance payment of ade- quate operation and maintenance charges. The Secretary is further authorized, in his discretion, to require such provisions as he deems proper to penalize delinquencies in payments of construction charges or operation and maintenance charges: Provided That in any event there shall be penalties imposed on account of delinquencies of not less than one-half of 1 per centum per month of the delinquent charge from and after the date when such charge becomes due and payable: Providedfurther, That any such contract shall require that no water shall be delivered to lands or parties which are in arrears in the advance payment of operation and maintenance or toll charges, or to lands or parties which are in arrears for more than twelve months in the payment of construction charges due from such lands or parties to the United States or to the organization in which the lands or parties are included, or to any lands or parties included in an organization which is in arrears in the advance payment of opera- tion and maintenance or toll charges or in arrears more than twelve months in the payment of construction charges due from such organi- zation to the United States. Provisions for vary- ing distribution of construction charges. Proviso. Federal repayment. Time for payment and collection of con- struction charges. Deferments of charges. Proper accounting prescribed. Delinquencies. Provisos. Penalties for de- linquencies. No water if in ar- rears in advance pay- ment, etc.