Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 53 Part 2.djvu/578

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 318 -JULY 18, 1939 Commission not re- quired to operate bridges purchased, after bonds retired, etc. Sale, or other dispo- sition. Tollrates. Record of expendi- tures and receipts. Conveyance of in- terests after payment of bonds, etc. Conveyances to other interest f a designated State tai toaccept. SEC. 6 . Nothing herein contained shall require the Commission or its successors to maintain or operate any bridge or bridges purchased hereunder, if and when all bonds issued for account of such bridge or bridges shall have been retired or provision for the payment of interest on and retirement of such bonds from the revenues from any other bridge or bridges shall have been made at the time of issuance of such bonds. Any bridge or bridges so purchased, with appurtenances and property thereto connected and belonging, may be sold or otherwise disposed of or may be abandoned or dismantled whenever in the judgment of the Commission or its successors, and subject to the approval of the Commissioner of Public Roads, Federal Works Agency, and the United States Secretary of War, it may be declared expedient so to do, and provisions with respect to and regulating any such sale, disposal, abandonment, or dismantlement may be included in proceedings for the issuance and sale of bonds for account of any such bridge or bridges. The Commission and its successors may fix such rates of toll for the use of such bridge or bridges as it may deem proper, subject to the same conditions as are hereinabove required as to tolls for traffic over the bridge to be constructed provided tolls shall be fixed and revised from time to time for traffic over all bridges so as not to adversely reflect upon the earnings of any bridge or bridges for account of which bonds may be outstanding. An accurate record of the cost of purchasing or constructing each such bridge; the expenditures for maintaining, repairing, and operating the same; and of the daily tolls collected shall be kept and shall be available for the information of all persons interested. SEr.7. (a) After payment of the bonds and interest, or after a sinking fund sufficient for such payment shall have been provided and shall be held for that purpose, the Commission shall deliver deeds or other suitable instruments of conveyance of the interest of the Commission in and to the bridge or bridges extending between the State of Iowa and the State of Illinois, that part of said bridge or bridges within Iowa to the State of Iowa or any municipality or agency thereof as may be authorized by or pursuant to law to accept the same (hereafter referred to as the "Iowa interests"), and that part of said bridge or bridges within Illinois to the State of Illinois or any municipality or agency thereof as may be authorized by or pursuant to law to accept the same (hereafter referred to as the "Illinois interests"); likewise the Commission shall deliver deeds or other suitable instruments of conveyance of the interest of the Com- mission in and to any bridge that may cross the Mississippi River between the city of Dubuque, Iowa, and the State of Wisconsin, that part of said bridge within Iowa to the State of Iowa or any municipality or agency thereof as may be authorized by or pursuant to law to accept the same (hereafter referred to as the "Iowa inter- ests"), and that part of said bridge within Wisconsin to the State of Wisconsin or any municipality or agency thereof as may be authorized by or pursuant to law to accept the same (hereafter referred to as the "Wisconsin interests"), under the condition that the bridge or bridges shall thereafter be free of tolls and be properly maintained, operated, and repaired by the Iowa interests, the Illi- nois interests, and the Wisconsin interests, as may be agreed upon; but if the Iowa, Illinois, or Wisconsin interests, as the case may be, fail to accept, or are not authorized to accept, their respective por- tions of said bridge or bridges, then the Commission may deliver deeds, or other suitable instruments or conveyance of said portions, to any other interest which may accept and may be authorized to accept the same, under the condition that the bridge or bridges shall 1054 [53 STAT.