Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 53 Part 2.djvu/538

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 281 -JULY 15, 1939 Health and physical education teachers, central area. Provisos. Placing unassigned teachers of special, etc., subjects. Librarians, pay re- striction. Instruction in auto- mobile driving. Vacation schools, in- struction, etc. Lectures on effects of alcoholic liquors and narcotics. Salaries. Contingent ex- penses. fessors in salary class twelve, and including $12,200 for health and physical education teachers to supervise play in schools of the central area bounded by North Capitol Street on the east, Florida Avenue on the north, the Mall on the south, and Twelfth Street on the west, $7,191,930: Provided, That teaching vacancies that occur during the fiscal year 1940 wherever found may be filled by the assignment of teachers of special subjects teacheachers not now assigned to class- room instruction, and such teachers are hereby made eligible for such assignment without further examination: Provided further, That the average of the salaries paid librarians in the public schools shall not exceed the average of the salaries paid employees performing the same grade of work in the Free Public Library: And providedfur- ther, That the Board of Education is hereby authorized to appoint a teacher, class 2-A for instruction in automobile driving at the Abbott Vocational School at a beginning salary of $2,000. For the instruction and supervision of children in the vacation schools, and supervisors and teachers of vacation schools may also be supervisors and teachers of day schools, $30,400. Qualified Federal personnel is authorized with the approval of the head of the Federal agency concerned, and upon request by the Board of Education, to give lectures in the public schools on the effects of alcoholic liquors and narcotics. NIGHT SCHOOLS For teachers and janitors of night schools, including teachers of industrial, commercial, and trade instruction, and teachers and janitors of night schools may also be teachers and janitors of day schools, $102,180. For contingent and other necessary expenses, including equipment and purchase of all necessary articles and supplies for classes m indus- trial, commercial, and trade instruction, $4,000. AMERICANIZATION WORK Instruction of for- For Americanization work and instruction of foreigners of all ages in both day and night classes, and teachers and janitors of Americani- zation schools may also be teachers and janitors of the day schools, $8,800. Contingent ex- For contingent and other necessary expenses, including books, equipment, and supplies, $600. drentructieerans illed For carrying out the provisions of the Act of June 19, 1934 (34 et, during World U. S. C. 945), entitled "An Act providing educational opportunities 48s tat. 125 . for the children of soldiers, sailors, and marines who were killed in 34U.s.C. 945. action or died during the World War", $1,600. vocational educa- For the development of vocational education in the District of tion. 49 stat. 1488. Columbia in accordance with the Act entitled "An Act to provide for 20 U.S. C., Supp. Iv, d1i6--15p. the further development of vocational education in the several States and Territories", approved June 8, 1936 (49 Stat. 1488), $22,099. COMMUNITY CENTER DEPARTMENT Saaries and ex- For personal services of the director, general secretaries, and com- 43 Stat. 39. munity secretaries in accordance with the Act approved June 4, 1924 (43 Stat. 369, 370); clerks and part-time employees, includin janitors on account of meetings of parent-teacher associations and ePlaygrond person- other activities; directors, supervisors, and other playground per- 5 . .C.ti C 61-74; sonnel, at rates of pay to be fixed by the Board of Education without supp. Iv,5 H,673,c. reference to the Classification Act of 1923, as amended, and contingent 1014 [53 STAT.