Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 53 Part 2.djvu/529

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53 STAT.] 76TH CONG. , 1ST SESS.-CH. 281 -JULY 15, 1939 rate: Provided furthter, That this restriction shall not apply (1) to grades 1, 2, 3, and 4 of the clerical-mechanical service; (2) to require the reduction in salary of any person whose compensation was fixed, as of July 1, 1924, in accordance with the rules of section 6 of such Act; (3) to require the reduction in salary of any person who is transferred from one position to another position in the same or different grade in the same or a different bureau, office, or other appropriation unit; (4) to prevent the payment of a salary under any grade at a rate higher than the maximum rate of the grade when such higher rate is permitted by the Classification Act of 1923, as amended, and is specifically authorized by other law; or (5) to reduce the compensation of any person in a grade in which only one position is allocated. Purchasing division: For personal services, $56,960. Department of inspections: For personal services, $249,960, includ- ing two members of plumbing board at $150 each, and two members, board of examiners, steam engineers, at $150 each, the inspector of boilers to serve without additional compensation. Office of Poundmaster: For personal services in accordance with the Classification Act of 1923, as amended, maintenance and opera- tion of motor vehicles, and other necessary expenses, $10,790. PUBLIC CONVENIENCE STATIONS For maintenance of public convenience stations, including com- pensation of necessary employees, $14,000. CARE OF THE DISTRICT BUILDINGS For personal services, including temporary labor, and service of cleaners as necessary at not to exceed 48 cents per hour, $135,140: Provided, That no other appropriation made in this Act shall be available for the employment of additional assistant engineers or watchmen for the care of the District buildings. For fuel, light, and power, repairs, laundry, and miscellaneous supplies, $52,080. ASSESSOR'S OFFICE For personal services, $254,480. For office equipment, supplies, and labor-saving office devices, to be immediately available, $28,640. BOARD OF TAX APPEALS For personal services in accordance with title IX of the Act entitled "An Act to amend the District of Columbia Revenue Act of 1937, and for other purposes", approved May 16, 1938, $13,540. COLLECTOR'S OFFICE For personal services, $55,740, of which $2,600 shall be immediately available. AUDrrTOR'S OFFICE For personal services, $158,400, of which not exceeding $500 shall be immediately available; and the compensation of the present incum- bent of the position of disbursing officer of the District of Columbia shall be exclusive of his compensation as United States property and disbursing officer for the National Guard of the District of Columbia. 1005 Restriction not ap- plicable to certain grades of clerical-me - chanical service. No reduction in fixed salaries. 42 Stat. 1490. 5 U.S .C. §666. Transfer without re- duction. Higher rates per- mitted. If only one position in a grade. Purchasing division. Department of in- spections. Office of Pound- master. Maintenance. Personal services. Proviso. Additional assistant engineers or watch- men. Fuel, light, etc. 'ersolnil services. E-lliln ctilt, S U D- plies, etc. Personal services. 52 Stat. 370. Personal services. Personal services. Disbursing officer permitted other com- pensation.