Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 53 Part 2.djvu/518

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PUBLIC LAWS--CH. 258-JULY 1, 1939 Vehicles. Construction, etc. Ante, pp. 555, 1327. Procurement of transportation. R.S. §11136,3734. 10U. . c.. 1339;40 U. S.C. 1267 . R. s. 3709. 41U. SC .i5 . Technical, etc., serv- ices. Contracts. Panama,acquisition of land. Ante, pp . 59, 1327. Construction, main. tenance, etc. Ante, p. 603. Construction, re- pair, etc. Ante, p. 604. Bisnal service of the Army. Ant. D.60O and not to exceed $216,000 may be expended for the purchase of passenger-carrying automobiles, motorcycles, ambulances, and trucks of station-wagon type. MrILITARY POSTS For construction and installation of buildings, flying fields, and appurtenances thereto, authorized by the Act entitled "An Act to provide more effectively for the national defense by carrying out the recommendations of the President in his message of January 12, 1939, to the Congress", approved April 3, 1939, including interior facilities, fixed equipment, necessary services, roads, connections to water, sewer, gas, and electric mains, purchase and installation of telephone and radio equipment, and similar improvements, and pro- curement of transportation incident thereto, without reference to sections 1136 and 3734, Revised Statutes (10 U. S . C . 1339; 40 U. S . C. 267); employment of personnel without regard to civil-service requirements and restrictions of law relating thereto; general over- head expenses of transportation, engineering, supplies, inspection and supervision, and such services as may be necessary in the Office of the Quartermaster General; and the engagement by contract or otherwise without regard to section 3709, Revised Statutes (41 U. S . C . 5), and at such rates of compensation as the Secretary of War may determine, of the services of architects or firms or corpo- rations thereof and other technical and professional personnel as may be necessary, fiscal year 1940, $64,862,500, to remain available until expended, and, in addition, the Quartermaster General, when authorized by the Secretary of War, may enter into contracts prior to July 1, 1940, for the same purposes, to an amount not in excess of $21,337,500, and his action in so doing shall be deemed a contrac- tual obligation of the Federal Government for the payment of the cost thereof. ACQISITIoN OF LAND For the acquisition of land in the Republic of Panama as author- ized by the Act entitled "An Act to provide more effectively for the national defense by carrying out the recommendations of the Presi- dent in his message of January 12, 1939, to the Congress", approved April 3, 1939, fiscal year 1940, $400,000, to remain available until expended. BARRACKS AND QUARTERS AND OTHE BUILDINGS AND 'rLrUTIIES For an additional amount for barracks and quarters and other buildings and utilities, fiscal year 1940, comprising the same objects specifie under this head in the Military Appropriation Act for said fiscal year, $3,461,159. CONSTRUCTION AND REPAiI OF HOSPITALS For an additional amount for construction and repair of hospitals, fiscal year 1940, comprising the same objects specified under this head in the Military Appropriation Act for said fiscal year, $288,300. SIGNAL CaRPS SIGNAL SERVICE OF THE ARMY For an additional amount for signal service of the Army, fiscal yar 194, including the same objects specified under this head in the Military Appropriation Act for said fiscal year, $6,04,564 and, in addition, the Chief Signal Officer, when authoried by the Secretary 994 [53 STAT.