Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 53 Part 2.djvu/460

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 252 -JUNE 30, 1939 Personal services; appointmentswithout regard to civil-service or classification laws. 5U.8.C. §661- 674; Supp. IV, §§673, 673c. Federal administra- tive, etc., positions in States; appointments. Separations; reten- tion of appointees ac- cording to State popu- lation. Proiiso. Soldiers. sailors, etc., preferential status. Disability or death compensation and bene- fits. 48 Stat. 351 . 5U.S . C. t796. Employees ex- cepted. Ante, p. 931. Praovso. Cases within pur- view of State, etc., workmen's compensa- tion laws. Projects excluded. Theater project op- eration after June 30, 1939; exception. Projects sponsored solely by Work Proj- ects Administration, after August 31, 1939. Payment of accrued wages, etc., during periods designated. Settlement of pri- vate damage claims. Ante, pp . 927, 929. tions are authorized to accept and utilize such voluntary and uncom- pensated services, appoint, without regard to civil-service laws, such officers and employees, and utilize, with the consent of the head of the Federal agency by which they are employed, such Federal officers and employees, and with the consent of the State such State and local officers and employees at such compensation as shall be determined by the head of the agency involved, as may be necessary, and prescribe their authorities, duties, responsibilities, and tenure, and, without regard to the Classification Act of 1923, as amended, to fix the com- pensation of any officers and employees so appointed. (c) Appointments to Federal positions of an administrative or advisory capacity under the appropriations in this joint resolution in any State shall be made from among the bona fide citizens of that State so far as not inconsistent with efficient administration. SEc. 23. In making separations from the Federal service, or fur- loughs without pay to last as long as three months, of persons employed within the District of Columbia, under the provisions of this joint resolution, the appointing power shall give preference, as nearly as good administration will warrant, in retention to appointees from States that have not received their share of appointments accord- ing to population: Provided, however, That soldiers, sailors, and marines, the widows of such, or the wives of injured soldiers, sailors, and marines, who themselves are not qualified, but whose wives are qualified to hold a position in the Government service, shall be given preference in retention, in their several grades and classes, where their ratings are good or better. SEc. 24. The provisions of the Act of February 15, 1934 (48 Stat. 351), as amended, relating to disability or death compensation and benefits shall apply to persons (except administrative employees qualifying as civil employees of the United States) receiving com- pensation from the appropriations in this joint resolution for services rendered as employees of the United States: Provided, That this sec- tion shall not apply in any case coming within the purview of the workmen's compensation law of any State, Territory, or possession, or in which the claimant has received or is entitled to receive similar benefits for injury or death. SEC. 25. None of the funds made available by this joint resolution shall be available- (a) After June 30, 1939, for the operation of any theater project, except that any person employed on any such project on June 30, 1939, may continue to be carried on the pay roll, with or without assignment of duty incidental to the closing down of such project, and paid his salary or wage (1) for the month of July 1939, if such person is an administrative, supervisory, or other noncertified worker, or (2) for a period ending not later than September 30, 1939, if such person is a certified relief worker; or (b) After August 31, 1939, for the operation of any project spon- sored solely by the Work Projects Administration. This section shall not prohibit the payment of wages or salaries accrued, or of nonlabor obligations incurred, in connection with any such project if the wages or salaries accrued or the obligation was incurred prior to August 1, 1939, October 1, 1939, or September 1, 1939, as the case may be. SEo. 26. The Commissioner and the National Youth Administrator are authorized to consider, ascertain, adjust, determine, and pay from the appropriation in section 1 or section 2 hereof any claim arising out of operations thereunder accruing after the effective date of this joint resolution on account of damage to or loss of privately owned property caused by the negligence of any employee of the Work Proj- ects Administration or the National Youth Administration, as the case 936 [53 STAT.