Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 53 Part 2.djvu/351

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53 STAT.] 76TH CONG. , 1ST SESS.-CH. 208-JUNE 16, 1939 827 additional so long as the position is held by the present incumbent; assistant clerk, $3,900, and $1,100 additional so long as the position is held by the present incumbent; two assistant clerks at $3,900 each and $600 each additional so long as the respective positions are held by the present respective incumbents; assistant clerk, $3,900; assistant clerk, $3,600 and $900 additional so long as the position is held by the pres- ent incumbent; assistant clerk, $3,300 and $600 additional so long as the position is held by the present incumbent; assistant clerk, $3,300; messenger, $1,680; four clerk-stenographers, at the annual rate of $1,800 each, one for each subcommittee of the Committee on Appro- priations having jurisdiction over a regular annual appropriation bill as shall be designated by the Chairman of the Committee on Appro- priations and to be appointed by the chairmen of the subcommittees so designated, subject to the approval of the Chairman, $7,200. Banking and Currency-clerk, $2,760; assistant clerk, $1,740; janitor, $1,260. Census-clerk, $2,760; janitor, $1,260. Civil Service-clerk, $2,760; janitor, $1,260. Claims-clerk, $3,300; assistant clerk, $1,740; janitor, $1,260. Coinage, Weights, and Measures-clerk, $2,760; jani- tor, $1,260. Disposition of Executive Papers-clerk, $2,760. District of Columbia-clerk, $3,300; assistant clerk, $2,460; janitor, $1,260. Education-clerk, $2,760; janitor, $1,260. Election of the President, Vice President, and Representatives in Congress-clerk, $2,760. Elec- tions Numbered 1-clerk, $2,760; janitor, $1,260. Elections Num- bered 2-clerk, $2,760; janitor, $1,260. Elections Numbered 3-clerk, $2,760; janitor, $1,260. Enrolled Bills-clerk, $2,760; janitor, $1,260. Expenditures in Executive Departments-clerk, $3,300; janitor, $1,260. Flood Control-clerk, $2,760; janitor, $1,260. Foreign Affairs-clerk, $3,300; assistant clerk, $2,460; janitor, $1,260. Immi- gration and Naturalization-clerk, $3,300; janitor, $1,260. Indian Affairs-clerk, $3,300; assistant clerk, $2,460; janitor, $1,260. Insular Affairs-clerk, $2,760; janitor, $1,260. Interstate and Foreign Com- merce-clerk, $3,900; additional clerk, $2,640; assistant clerk, $2,100; janitor, $1,560. Irrigation and Reclamation-clerk, $2,760; janitor, $1,260. Invalid Pensions-clerk, $3,300; assistant clerk, $2,880; expert examiner, $2,700; stenographer, $2,640; janitor, $1,500. Judi- ciary-clerk, $3,900; assistant clerk, $2,460; assistant clerk, $1,980; janitor, $1,560. Labor-clerk, $2,760, assistant clerk, $1,740; janitor, $1,260. Library-clerk, $2,760; janitor $1,260. Merchant Marine and Fisheries-clerk, $2,760; assistant clerk, $1,740; janitor, $1,260. Military Affairs-clerk, $3,300; assistant clerk, $2,100; janitor, $1,560. Mines and Mining-clerk, $2.7G0; janitor, $1,260. Naval Affairs-- clerk, $3,300; assistant clerk, $2,100; janitor, $1,560. Patents-clerk, $2,760; janitor, $1,260. Pensions-clerk, $3,300; assistant clerk, $2,160; janitor, $1,260. Post Office and Post Roads-clerk, $3,300; assistant clerk, $2,100; janitor, $1,560. Printing-clerk, $2,760; jani- tor, $1,560. Public Buildings and Grounds--clerk, $3,300; assistant clerk, $1,740; janitor, $1,260. Public Lands-clerk, $3,300; assistant clerk, $1,740; janitor, $1,260. Revision of the Laws-clerk, $3,300; janitor, $1,260. Rivers and Harbors-clerk, $3,300; assistant clerk, $2,460; janitor, $1,560. Roads-clerk, $2,760; assistant clerk, $1,740; janitor, $1,260. Rules-clerk, $3,300; assistant clerk, $2,100; janitor, $1,260. Territories-clerk, $2,760; janitor, $1,260. War Claims-- clerk, $3,300; assistant clerk, $1,740; janitor, $1,260. Ways and Means-clerk, $4,620; assistant clerk and stenographer, $2,640; assist- ant clerk, $2,580; clerk for minority, $3,180 and $420 additional so long as the position is held by the present incumbent; janitors-one, $1,560; two at $1,260 each. World War Veterans' Legislation-clerk, $3,300; assistant clerk, $2,460; in all, $319,720. 9890--39--Pr 2-21