Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 53 Part 2.djvu/273

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749 53 STAT.] 76TH CONG. , IST SESS.-CH. 139-MAY 17, 1939 and operating, and the reservation of an amount of money estimated to be sufficient for the same purpose during an ensuing period of not more than six months, the remainder of tolls collected shall be placed in the sinking fund, at intervals to be determined by the Commission prior to the issuance of the bonds. An accurate record of the cost Record of expendi- of the bridge and approaches, the expenditures for maintaining, repairing, and operating the same, and of the daily tolls collected, shall be kept and shall be available for the information of all persons interested. The Commission shall classify in a reasonable way all claficationoftra- traffic over the bridge so that the tolls shall be so fixed and adjusted by it as to be uniform in the application thereof to all traffic falling within reasonable classes, regardless of the status or character of any person, firm, or corporation participating in such traffic, and shall prevent all use of such bridge for traffic except upon payment of tolls so fixed and adjusted. Within a reasonable time after the construction of the bridge the Sworn itemized Commission shall file with the Bureau of Public Roads of the United etc., to be filed. States Department of Agriculture a sworn itemized statement, show- ing the cost of constructing the bridge and its approaches, the cost of acquiring any interest in real or other property necessary therefor, and the amount of bonds, debentures, or other evidence of indebtedness issued in connection with the construction of said bridge. SEC. 6 . After payment of the bonds and interest, or after a sinking terCest payf fund sufficient for such payment shall have been provided and shall of bonds, etc. be held for that purpose, the Commission shall deliver deeds or other suitable instruments of conveyance of the interest of the Commission in and to the bridge extending between the State of Arkansas and the State of Mississippi, that part of said bridge within Arkansas to the State of Arkansas, or any municipality or agency thereof as may be authorized by or pursuant to law to accept the same (hereafter referred to as the "Arkansas interest") and that part of said bridge within Mississippi to the State of Mississippi, or any municipality or agency thereof as may be authorized by or pursuant to law to accept the same (hereinafter referred to as the "Mississippi interest"), under the condition that the bridge shall thereafter be free of tolls and be prop- erly maintained, operated, and repaired, by the Arkansas interest and the Mississippi interest as may be agreed upon; but if the Arkansas miertIon by Cort: interest or the Mississippi interest, or any other interest hereinabove est fails to accept. mentioned, shall not be authorized to accept or shall not accept the same under such conditions, then the bridge shall continue to be owned, maintained, operated, and repaired by the Commission, and the rates of tolls shall be so adjusted as to provide a fund of not to exceed the amount necessary for the maintenance, repair, and opera- tion of the bridge and approaches under economical management, until such time as the Arkansas interest and the Mississippi interest, or any other interest hereinabove mentioned, shall be authorized to accept and shall accept such conveyance under such conditions. Notwithstanding any restriction or limitation imposed by the Act Federal aid- entitled "An Act to provide that the United States shall aid the States in the construction of rural post roads, and for other purposes", approved July 11, 1916, or by the Federal Highway Act, or by an .St 35; 42Stat Act amendatory of, or supplemental to either thereof, the Secretary 23 IS. . ch.1; of Agriculture, or any other Federal Department or agency of the S Ich United States Government may extend Federal aid under such Acts for the construction of said bridge out of any money allocated to the State of Arkansas with the consent of the State Highway Commission of said State, and out of money allocated to the State of Mississippi with the consent of the Highway Department of said State.