Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 53 Part 2.djvu/218

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 119-MAY 10, 1939 Vehicles, Indian Service, maintenance. Replacement of de- stroyed, etc. , property. Proviso. Report of diversions to Congress. Attendance at meet- ings. William C. Willa. han, payment to. 52 Stat. 1395. Pueblo Indians, N. Mex. Purchase of Iand and water rights, etc., from tribal funds. 52 Stat. 299. Navajo Indians, Ariz. Purchase of land, reimbursable. Reappropriation. 48 Stat. 1033 . 48 Stat. 960. Purchase of land, from tribal funds. 52 Stat. 300. that part of the State of New Mexico embraced in the Navajo Indian Reservation, and not to exceed $5,000 shall be available for expenditure in said State. Vehicles, Indian Service: Not to exceed $479,800 of applicable appropriations made herein for the Bureau of Indian Affairs shall be available for the maintenance, repair, and operation of motor- propelled and horse-drawn passenger-carrying vehicles for the use of employees in the Indian field service, and the transportation of Indian school pupils, and not to exceed $225,000 of applicable appropriations may be used for the purchase and exchange of motor- propelled passenger-carrying vehicles, and such vehicles shall be used only for official service, including the transportation of Indian school pupils. Replacement of property destroyed by fire, flood, or storm: That to meet possible emergencies not exceeding $35,000 of the appropria- tions made by this Act for support of reservation and nonreservation schools, for school and agency buildings, and for conservation of health among Indians shall be available, upon approval of the Secre- tary of the Interior, for replacing any buildings, equipment, supplies, livestock, or other property of those activities of the Indian Service above referred to which may be destroyed or rendered unserviceable by fire, flood, or storm: Provided, That any diversions of appropria- tions made hereunder shall be reported to Congress in the annual Budget. Authorization for attending health and educational meetings: Not to exceed $7,000 shall be available from applicable funds for expenses (not membership fees) of employees of the Indian Service when authorized by the Secretary of the Interior to attend meetings of medical, health, educational, agricultural, forestry, engineering, and industrial associations in the interest of work among the Indians. For the relief of William C. Willahan, or his heirs as authorized by and in conformity with sections 2, 3, and 4 of the Act of June 25, 1938 (Private Law Numbered 715, Seventy-fifth Congress), $855.23, or so much thereof as may be necessary. INDIAN LANDS Purchase of land and water rights, and so forth, Pueblo Indians, New Mexico (tribal funds): The unexpended balance of the appro- priation from the tribal funds to the credit of the Pojoaque Pueblo, New Mexico, contained in the Interior Department Appropriation Act, fiscal year 1939, for the purchase of additional land and water rights, the development of water for irrigation and domestic pur- poses, the purchase of equipment for industrial advancement, and for such other purposes, except per capita payments, as may be recom- mended by the governing officials of the Pueblo and be approved by the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, is hereby continued available for the same purposes and under the same conditions until expended. Purchase of land for the Navajo Indians, Arizona, reimbursable: The unexpended balance of the appropriation contained in the Deficiency Appropriation Act, fiscal year 1934, for the purchase of land, and improvements thereon, including water rights, for the Navajo Indians in Arizona, as authorized by and in conformity with the provisions of the Act of June 14, 1934 (48 Stat. 961), is hereby continued available for the same purposes until June 30, 1940. Purchase of land for the Navajo Indians, Arizona (tribal funds): The unexpended balance of the appropriation of $40,000 from funds to the credit of the Navajo tribe, contained in the Interior Department Appropriation Act, fiscal year 1939, for the purchase, in accordance [53 STAT.