Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 53 Part 2.djvu/184

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PUBLIC LAWS--CH. 115-MAY 6, 1939 Details to D. C. from field force. 46 Stat. 741. 19U.S.C.§1525. Vehicle restriction. Advance payments in foreign countries. R. S. 3648. 31U.S.C.§529; Supp. IV, §529b. Refunds and draw- backs. ries, and $493,360 shall be available for personal services in the District of Columbia exclusive of ten persons from the field force authorized to be detailed under section 525 of the Tariff Act of 1930: Provided, That no part of this appropriation shall be expended for maintenance or repair of motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicles for use in the District of Columbia except one for use in connection with the work of the customhouse in Georgetown: Provided further, That hereafter section 3648 of the Revised Statutes (31 U. S. C. 529b) shall not apply to payments made for the Bureau of Customs in foreign countries. Refunds and drawbacks: For the refund or payment of customs collections or receipts, and for the payment of debentures or draw- backs, bounties, and allowances, as authorized by law, $17,000,000. BUREAU OF THE BUDGET salaries and ex- Salaries and expenses: For every expenditure requisite for and pens. incident to the work of the Bureau of the Budget, including personal services in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, contract steno- graphic reporting services, traveling expenses, including expenses of attendance at meetings when necessary in furthering the work of Reference books, the Bureau of the Budget, streetcar fares, law books, books of refer- Automobiles. ence, periodicals, office equipment and supplies, maintenance, repair and operation of passenger-carrying automobiles for official use, and Temporary employ- not to exceed $5,000 for temporary employment of persons or organi- R.s. 3709. zations by contract or otherwise without regard to section 3709 of the 5Uu.S .C.§§661-674; Revised Statutes, or the civil-service laws, or the Classification Act Supp. IV , § 673,673c. of 1923, as amended, $479,280. Printing and bind- For printing and binding, $40,000; and not to exceed $4,000 of ing. the appropriation for salaries and expenses, Bureau of the Budget, fiscal year 1939, may be transferred to the appropriation for printing and binding, Bureau of the Budget, fiscal year 1939. OFFICE OF TREASURER OF THE UNITED STATES Salaries. Redeeming Federal Reserve and national currency. Salaries. Salaries and ex- penses. Commissioner, As- sistant General Coun- sel, and other per- sonal services. Salaries: For Treasurer of the United States, Assistant Treasurer, and for other personal services in the District of Columbia, $1,209,000. Salaries (Reimbursable): For personal services in the District of Columbia, in redeeming Federal Reserve and national currency, $69,000, to be reimbursed by the Federal Reserve and national banks. OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY Salaries: Comptroller of the Currency and other personal services in the District of Columbia, $248,000. BUREAU OF INTERNAL REVENUE Salaries and expenses: For salaries and expenses in connection with the assessment and collection of internal-revenue taxes and the admin- istration of the internal-revenue laws, including the administration of such provisions of other laws as are authorized by or pursuant to law to be administered by or under the direction of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue; including the Commissioner of Internal Rev- enue, Assistant General Counsel for the Bureau of Internal Revenue, an assistant to the Commissioner, a special deputy commissioner, five deputy commissioners, one stamp agent (to be reimbursed by the stamp manufacturers), and the necessary officers, collectors, deputy collectors, attorneys, experts, agents, accountants, inspectors, investi- gators, chemists, supervisors, storekeeper-gaugers, guards, clerks, janitors, and messengers in the District of Columbia, the several col- 660 [53 STAT.