Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 53 Part 2.djvu/173

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53 STAT.] 76TH CONG. , 1 ST SESS.-CH. 107-MAY 2, 1939 War Department: For pay, and so forth, of the Army, $869.40. For pay of the Army, $431.14 . For extra pay to volunteers, War with Spain, $440.80 . For Reserve Officers' Training Corps, $128.06. For National Guard, $100.59. For Organized Reserves, $46.22. For Army transportation, $524.21 . For increase of compensation, Military Establishment, $79.67. For Air Corps, Army, $85.70. For replacing Army transportation, $271.37. For cFaims of officers and men of the Army for destruction of private property (Act March 3, 1885), $114.61. For promotion of rifle practice, $6.90 . For pay, and so forth, of the Army, War with Spain, $32.56. For travel of the Army, 81 cents. For travel, military and civil personnel, War Department, $52.12. For replacing ordnance and ordnance stores, $38.72. For supplies, services, and transportation, Quartermaster Corps, $5.98 . For replacing clothing and equipage, $78.12. For clothing and equipage, $23.50. For general appropriations, Quartermaster Corps, $5,962.49. For cemeterial expenses, War Department, $11.14. For emergency conservation fund (transfer to War, Act March 31, 1933), $79.64. For emergency conservation fund (transfer to War, Act June 19, 1934), $115.98. Post Office Department-Postal Service (Out of the Postal Revenues): For clerks, first- and second-class post offices, $68.75. For freight, express, or motor transportation of equipment, and so forth, $15.29. For indemnities, domestic mail, $162.74. For operating supplies for public buildings, Post Office Depart- ment, $3.31. For railroad transportation and mail messenger service, $206. For railway postal clerk, travel allowance, $82.63. For Rural Delivery Service, $412.59. For special-delivery fees, $8.53. For village delivery service, $5.11. Total, audited claims, section 304 (a), $79,124.48, together with such additional sum due to increases in rates of exchange as may be neces- sary to pay claims in the foreign currency as specified in certain of the settlements of the General Accounting Office. (b) For the payment of the following claims, certified to be due by the General Accounting Office under appropriations the balances of which have been carried to the surplus fund under the provisions of section 5 of the Act of June 20, 1874 (31 U. S. C. 713), and under appropriations heretofore treated as permanent, being for the service of the fiscal year 1936 and prior years, unless otherwise stated, and which have been certified to Congress under fection 2 of the Act of July 7, 1884 (5 U. S . C . 266), as fully set forth in Senate Document Numbered 51, Seventy-sixth Congress, there is appropriated as follows: Independent Offices: For Federal Civil Works Administration, $18.47. For farmers' crop production and harvesting loans, Farm Credit Administration, $184.95. For National Industrial Recovery, Federal Emergency Relief Administration, surplus relief, $4.93. For Federal Trade Commission, $64.67. 649 War Department. 23 Stat. 350. 48 Stat. 22 . 48 Stat. 1021. Post Office Depart- ment. Total; additional sum, increases in rates of exchange. Additional audited claims. 18 Stat. 110. 31U.S.C. 713. 23 Stat. 254 . 5U.S. C. 266. Independent Offices.