Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 53 Part 2.djvu/1033

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Muskingum Watershed Conservancy Dis- trict-Continued. Payment to; condition--------------- Reimbursement; sums included------- Title to lands, easements, etc., acquired, validity of; basis of opinion------- Mutual Insurance Companies, tax on, other than life ----------------- Mutual Investment Companies: Net operating loss deduction, denial of, to ---------------------- Tax on--------


Mycology and Disease Survey, appropria- tion for investigations ----------- Page 1415 1415 1415 865 869 866 953 N Nalley, John G., payment to ---------- 1302 Narcotic Drug Laws, advances from Treas- ury in connection with enforcement of, authorized ------------------ 1262 Narcotic Drugs, seizure and forfeiture of vessels, vehicles, and aircraft used in transportation of------------------ 1291 Narcotics, Bureau of. See Treasury De- partment. Narcotics Convention of 1931, appropria- tion for implementing ------------- 892 "Narwhal," U. S . S., alterations author- ized; limit of cost increased------ 582, 1045 Natchez Trace Parkway, appropriation for continuation of construction; allot- ment of funds received from other sources----------------------- National Advisory Committee for Aero- nautics: Appropriation for------------ 535, 628, Langley Field, Va., additional labora- tory buildings, etc ----------- National Advisory Health Council, adjust- ment of compensation of certain members --------------- National Arboretum, appropriation for maintenance, etc -------------- National Archives: Appropriation for-------------------- Codification Board abolished and func- tions transferred; consolidation of functions with Division of Federal Register---------- -- ---- ---- --- Franklin D. Roosevelt Library, funds for, payable from appropriations for-------

Supervision by Archivist --------- Government records, disposition of, not needed in transaction of current business; duties of Archivist------ National Aviation Day, designation of; issuance of proclamation authorized - 730 1306 628 1338 953 536 1435 1065 1063 1219 739 National Bituminous Coal Commission: Page Abolished and functions transferred to Department of the Interior------- 1433 Appropriation for ----------------- 633, 688 Consumers' Counsel, office abolished and functions transferred -------- 1433 National Board for Promotion of Rifle Practice, appropriation for-------- 617, 997 National Cancer Institute, appropriation for ---------------------------- 669 National Capital Park and Planning Com- mission: Appropriation for----------- 536, 1032, 1306 Columbian Fountain, D. C ., submission of plans for, to _ ---- --- --- --- -- 1300 District of Columbia, sale of real estate no longer needed for public pur- poses, approval by ------------- 1211 National Capital Parks, appropriation for administration, etc---------------- 731 National Cemeteries: Approach roads to, conveyance of in- terest of United States to States, etc., authorized ---------------- 857 Appropriation for maintenance, etc --- 857 National Collection of Fine Arts, appropri- ation for administration ---------- _ 539 National Defense. See Strategic and Critical Materials. National Defense Act, Amendments: Deputy Chief of Staff, position created_ 1002 General Headquarters Air Force, com- manding general, retirement priv- ileges-------------------------- 740 Probationary appointments of officers in Regular Army------------------ 1074 Marriage as cause for revocation of commission ----------_ - -- -- - 1075 Reserve officers- Annual call of designated, for active Army duty; number, grades, etc_ 557 Civilian Conservation Corps duty, service not deemed active mili- tary duty ------------------- 1079 Selections annually for commissions in Regular Army over 10-year period ------- -------------- 557 Groups from which selections made_ 557 Warrant officers, adjustment of relative rank; Army Mine Planter Service_ 1044 National Economic Committee. See Tem- porary National Economic Com- mittee. National Emergency Council: Abolished; functions transferred to Ex- ecutive Office of the President---- 1435 Radio Division and United States Film Service transferred to Federal Se- curity Agencv ---------------- 1434 LXXIV INDEX .... .... . i
