Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 52.djvu/875

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PUBLIC LAWS-CHS. 557, 562-JUNE 21, 1938 40 Stat. 1914. 40 Stat. 1804 . 40 Stat. 459. Proiso. Renewal of con- tract of lease. Transfer of existing leases in event of lease or conveyance to city. Use of property during emergency. Provio. Compensation; re- striction. June 21, 1938 [S. 2739] [Public, No. 690] Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works, etc. Settlement of claims for expenses of certain employees incurred in transfer to new head- quarters. Funds made avail- able. [CHAPTER 562] AN ACT For the relief of certain employees of the Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works and the National Resources Committee. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Comp- troller General of the United States be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to receive and settle the claims for transportation, travel, and subsistence expenses incurred by persons upon their transfer to new headquarters pursuant to orders directing such transfers which were signed for the Federal Emergency Administrator of Public Works, in the temporary absence of said Administrator, with the approval of said Administrator, during the period from September 6, 1935, to May 23, 1936, and the claims of persons for transportation, travel, and subsistence expenses incurred upon their transfer to new headquarters pursuant to an order directing such transfer which was signed for the Chairman of the National Resources Committee, in the temporary absence of said Chairman, with the approval of said Chair- man, on February 24, 1936. All such claims allowed shall be payable under the appropriation otherwise available for such expenditures for 834 [52 STAT. described in schedule A appended to a proclamation of the President of the United States, dated December 3, 1918, which was taken over by the United States by a proclamation of the President of the United States dated June 28, 1918, pursuant to the authority vested in him by the Act entitled "An Act making appropriations to supply deficiencies in appropriations for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1918, and prior fiscal years, on account of war expenses, and for other purposes," approved March 28, 1918, or (2) to lease to the said city of Hoboken the whole or any part of such aforementioned real property for any term up to fifty years, said sale or said lease to be on such terms and under such conditions as shall be mutually agree- able to the Maritime Commission and the said city of Hoboken: Provided, That any contract of lease executed between the Maritime Commission and the city of Hoboken under the provisions of this Act shall expressly authorize the Maritime Commission and the said city, at or before the expiration of the original contract of lease, to enter into a new contract of lease of the same property and for a like term of years. SEC. 2 . In event that the Maritime Commission, in accordance with the provisions of this Act, shall convey to said city all or any of the real property herein described, or in event that any such lease as is herein provided for, shall be executed between the Maritime Commis- sion and the city of Hoboken, the Commission shall transfer any leases in existence upon the property so sold or leased at the time of said sale or lease, to the city of Hoboken and assign to it any future benefit to be received thereunder. SEC. 3 . In event the property herein described shall be sold to the city of Hoboken, the deed executed by the Commission shall contain express covenants that (1) in event of a national emergency the prop- erty so conveyed, with all improvements placed thereon, may be taken upon order of the President of the United States for the use of the War Department during the period of such emergency, but no longer: Provided, That just compensation shall be paid for any improve- ments placed thereon or made thereto, and (2) the said city shall not resell the property conveyed thereunder. Approved, June 21, 1938.