Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 52.djvu/849

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PUBLIC LAWS-CHS. 535, 536-JUNE 20, 1938 North Slough Drainage District, and the North Slough Diking 50 stat. 86 . District by an Act of Congress approved August 26, 1937, is extended Rights reserved. one and three years, respectively, from August 26, 1938. The right to alter, amend, or repeal this section is hereby expressly reserved. rasf-eent for SEC. 10. That the Secretary of War be, and he is hereby, authorized ie roads, Federal and empowered, under such terms and conditions as are deemed advisable by him, to grant easements for rights-of-way for public roads and streets on and across lands acquired by the United States for river and harbor and flood control improvements including, when- ever necessary, the privilege of occupying so much of said lands as may be necessary for the piers, abutments, and other portions of a conition. bridge structure: Provided, That such rights-of-way shall be granted only upon a finding by the Secretary of War that the same will be in the public interest and will not substantially injure the interest of the United States in the property affected thereby: Provided further, tionofteor viola- That all or any part of such rights-of-way may be annulled and for- feited by the Secretary of War for failure to comply with the terms or conditions of any grant hereunder or for nonuse or for abandon- ment of rights granted under the authority hereof: Providedfurther, nthdort ndotst der That the authority hereby granted to the Secretary of War shall not Tennessee Valley Au- extend to or include lands held or acquired by the Tennessee Valley ority. Authority pursuant to the terms of the Tennessee Valley Authority Act. CRoepilaton arofas SEC. 11 . That the laws of the United States relating to the improve- elatping to improv- ment of rivers and harbors, passed between March 4, 1913, until mtprin' gaor and including the laws of the third session of the Seventy-fifth Congress shall be compiled under the direction of the Secretary of War and printed as a document, and that six hundred additional copies shall be printed for the use of the War Department. gathering of hydro SEC. 12 . That the Secretary of War is hereby authorized to continue ogiea data author- the gathering of hydrological data, concerning the proposed Nica- ragua Canal, by personnel operating continuously in Nicaragua under the supervision of the Chief of Engineers, as recommended in House Document Numbered 139, 72nd Congress, 1st Session; the cost of this work, and such incidental expenses as may be necessary in connection therewith, to be paid from appropriations hereafter made for exam- inations, surveys and contingencies of Rivers and Harbors. Approved, June 20, 1938. [CHAPTER 536] June 20, 138 [H. R. 1084]6 [Public, No. 686] Librarian Emeritus, Library of Congress; position created. Salary. AN ACT To create the office of the Librarian Emeritus of the Library of Congress. Be it enacted by the Senate and Houe of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That upon separa- tion from the service, by resignation or otherwise, on or after July 1, after the approval of this Act, Herbert Putnam, the present Libra- rian of Congress, who has served in that office for thirty-nine years, shall become Librarian Emeritus, with such duties as the President of the United States may prescribe, and the President of the United States shall thereupon appoint his successor, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate. The said Herbert Putnam shall receive as Librarian Emeritus compensation at the rate of $5,000 per annum. Such salary shall be paid in equal monthly installments by the dis- bursing officer of the Library of Congress, and such sums as may be necessary to make such payments are hereby authorized to be appropriated. Approved, June 20, 1938. 808 [52 STAT.