Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 52.djvu/825

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 530-JUNE 20, 1938 Additional adjacent or contiguous lands. Proviso. Lands to be secured by donations only. Acceptance of title authorized. Leases for home site purposes in the Kala- pana extension to na- tives. Provisos. Residence require- ments. Fishing restrictions. ment main road to a spike in large boulder in stone wall about one hundred and twenty-five feet north of the Government main road; thence 6. Along stone wall over the lava flows, the boundary following the wall in its turns and windings, the direct azimuth and distance being: two hundred and nineteen degrees twenty-two minutes and forty-five seconds exactly eighteen thousand one hundred and twenty-one feet to a point in said stone wall; 7. Two hundred and thirty-eight degrees and seven minutes exactly two hundred and fifty feet partly along stone wall to a pipe in the middle of a corral; 8. Two hundred and thirty-four degrees and two minutes exactly two hundred feet across corral and along stone wall to a point in said wall; 9. Two hundred and thirty-nine degrees and thirty minutes exactly three hundred and fifteen feet along stone wall to a pipe at end of wall and on the south side of the old Peter Lee Road; 10. One hundred and eighty-five degrees and thirty minutes exactly three hundred and eighty feet crossing old Peter Lee Road and along fence to a pipe at fence corner on the west bank of a ravine; thence 11. Following along the west bank of ravine, the direct azimuth and distance being: two hundred and three degrees and twenty-three minutes four hundred seventy-five and seven-tenths feet to a pipe on the west bank of the ravine; 12. Two hundred and twenty degrees and fifty-four minutes exactly two hundred and forty-five feet across ravine and along fence to a spike in stone pile; 13. Two hundred and twelve degrees and forty-four minutes exactly two hundred feet along fence to a spike in stone pile; 14. Two hundred and twenty-two degrees and fifty-three minutes exactly two hundred and forty feet along fence to a spike in stone pile; 15. Two hundred and twenty-five degrees and forty-six minutes three hundred and forty and six-tenths feet to the point of begin- ning and containing an area of five thousand seven hundred and thirty acres, more or less; and, in addition, any lands adjacent or contiguous to the Hawaii National Park as hereby extended which, in the discretion of the Secretary of the Interior, are necessary for the proper rounding out of the boundaries of the park: Provided,That the United States shall not purchase, by appropriation of public moneys, any land within the aforesaid area, but such lands shall be secured by the United States only by public and private donations. SEC. 2 . The Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized, in his discretion and upon submission of evidence of satisfactory title to him, to accept, on behalf of the United States, title to the lands referred to in the previous section hereof as may be deemed by him necessary or desirable for national-park purposes. SEC. 3 . (a) That the Secretary of the Interior is authorized to lease, under such rules and regulations as he may deem proper, land ascertained by him to be suitable for home site purposes in the Kalapana extension as described herein, to native Hawaiians when such occupancy does not encroach on or prevent free access to any points of historic, scientific, or scenic interest or in any manner obstruct or interfere with protection and preservation of said area as a part of the Hawaii National Park: Provided, however, That occu- pants of homesites shall reside on the land not less than six months in any one year: And provided further, That fishing shall be per- mitted in said area only by native Hawaiian residents of said area or of adjacent villages and by visitors under their guidance. 784 [52 STAT.