Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 52.djvu/823

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 530 -JUNE 20, 1938 degrees forty minutes and fifty seconds exactly fourteen thousand four hundred and thirteen feet and running as follows, all azimuths being measured clockwise from true south (note azimuths of courses 1 to 4, inclusive, are referred to Hakuma meridian): Along the seacoast at high-water mark, in a general southwesterly direction for the first five courses, the true azimuths and distances between points on said seacoast being- 1. Exactly sixty-six degrees and fifteen minutes twenty-six thou- sand three hundred and thirty-six and six-tenths feet to United States Coast and Geodetic Survey station Laeapuki, marked by a survey tablet set in mound and covered by a small cairn; 2. Exactly sixty degrees and ten minutes eighteen thousand seven hundred feet to Kaena Point; 3. Exactly seventy-one degrees and fifty-six minutes, twenty-one thousand three hundred and fifty feet to Apua Point; 4. Exactly ninety-eight degrees and forty-five minutes seven thou- sand four hundred feet to a pipe in concrete at a place called Okio- kiahu (note: azimuths of courses 5 to 11, inclusive, are referred to Uwekahuna meridian); 5. One hundred and nine degrees fifty-seven minutes and twenty- two seconds ten thousand seven hundred and seventeen and nine- tenths feet to a pipe in concrete at a place called Makaloa; thence 6. One hundred and seventy degrees four minutes and thirty-nine seconds exactly six thousand eight hundred feet along Hawaii National Park, ilauea section, to the foot of the Puueo pali; 7. Two hundred and forty-three degrees five minutes and thirty seconds exactly one thousand nine hundred and seventy-three feet along the foot of Puueo pali along portion of the land of Keauhou; 8. Exactly two hundred and eighty-six degrees fifty minutes exactly nine thousand seven hundred feet along portion of the land of Keauhou; 9. One hundred and seventy-eight degrees thirty-eight minutes and twenty-five seconds exactly twelve thousand five hundred feet along portion of the land of Keauhou to a pipe in concrete at top of the Poliokeawe pali; 10. One hundred and sixty-six degrees twenty-two minutes and twenty-four seconds twelve thousand four hundred and sixty-seven and nine-tenths feet along portion of the land of Keauhou to a pipe in concrete on the south boundary of Hawaii National Park, Kilauea section; 11. Exactly two hundred and sixty-nine degrees and ten minutes twenty-one thousand one hundred forty-six and five-tenths feet along Hawaii National Park, Kilauea section, to a pipe (note: azimuths of courses 12 and 13 are referred to Puu Huluhulu meridian); 12. Exactly two hundred and eleven degrees and thirty minutes thirteen thousand seventy-four and seven-tenths feet along Hawaii National Park, Kilauea section, to a pipe; 13. Exactly two hundred and eighty-one degrees exactly two thou- sand nine hundred and thirty-one feet along portion of the land of Kahaualea (note: azimuths of courses 14 to 24, inclusive, are referred to Hakuma meridian); 14. Exactly two hundred and twelve degrees and thirty minutes exactly eight thousand and fifteen feet along the land of Kahaualea; 15. Exactly two hundred and ninety-seven degrees and fifteen minutes exactly twenty-four thousand five hundred and fifty-two feet along the land of Kahaualea; 16. Exactly two hundred and forty-five degrees and fifty-eight minutes exactly six thousand one hundred and sixty-eight feet along the land of Kahaualea; [52 STAT.