Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 52.djvu/814

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52 STAT.] 75TH CONG. , 3D SESS.-CH. 515-JUNE 16, 1938 A tract of land lying in Lauderdale County, State of Alabama, in the Tennessee River, in township 3 south, range 11 west, said tract being an island and more particularly described as follows: An unnamed island lying in the Tennessee River, the upstream tip of which is approximately two thousand seven hundred feet south of and approximately four hundred and thirty feet east of the northwest corner of section 31. Said island has an approximate maximum length of four hundred and forty feet and an approximate maximum width of three hundred and fifty feet. The above-described island contains one and seven-tenths acres, more or less; and A tract of land lying in Lauderdale County, State of Alabama, in the Tennessee River, in township 4 south, range 12 west, said tract being an island and more particularly described as follows: An island known as "Pippin Towhead" lying in the Ten- nessee River the downstream tip of which is approximately nine hundred and twenty feet south of and approximately two thousand six hundred feet east of the northwest corner of sec- tion 2. Said island has an approximate maximum length of three thousand six hundred and twenty feet and an approximate maximum width of six hundred and fifty feet. The above-described island contains thirty-nine and five-tenths acres, more or less; and A tract of land lying in Lauderdale County, State of Alabama, in the Tennessee River, in townships 3 and 4 south, range 12 west, said tract being an island and more particularly described as follows: An island known as "No Man Towhead" lying in the Ten- nessee River, the upstream tip of which is approximately four thousand seven hundred feet south of and approximately two thousand seven hundred feet east of the northwest corner of section 36. Said island has an approximate maximum length of two thousand feet and approximate maximum width of three hundred feet. The above-described island contains eleven and two-tenths acres, more or less; and A tract of land lying in Lauderdale County, State of Alabama, in the Tennessee River, in township 3 south, ranges 11 and 12 west; said tract being an island and more particularly described as follows: An island known as "Goat Towhead" lying in the Tennessee River; the downstream tip of which is approximately four thousand five hundred and twenty feet south of and approxi- mately two thousand four hundred and forty feet east of the northwest corner of section 36. Said island has an approximate maximum length of three thousand six hundred and seventy feet and an approximate maximum width of seven hundred and forty feet. The above-described island contains forty-five and three-tenths acres, more or less. be, and the same is hereby, released, relinquished, and confirmed by the United States to the owners of the equitable titles thereto, as fully and completely in every respect whatever as could be done by patents issued according to law: Provided, That this Act shall amount to a relinquishment of any title the United States has or is supposed to have in and to any of the said lands and shall not be construed to abridge, impair, injure, prejudice, or divest in any manner any valid right, title, or interest of any person or body corporate whatever, the true intent of this Act being to concede and abandon all right, title, and interest of the United States to the 773 Proviso. Title of United Stat s only, relin- quished.