Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 52.djvu/79

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38 PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 30-FEB. 16 , 1938 [52 STAT. Empotaetunco tto- SEC. 203. Section 32, as amended, of the Act entitled "An Act to 498tat. 775. amend the Agricultural Adjustment Act, and for other purposes", SU61.8C.spp.m, approved August 24, 1935, is amended by striking out ": Provided further, That no part of the funds appropriated by this section shall be used for the payment of benefits in connection with the exporta- tion of unmanfactured 1 cotton", and is further amended by adding Allocation to any at the end thereof the following: "Notwithstanding any other provi- one commodity lim- ited.mmdt - sion of this section, the amount that may be devoted, during any fiscal year after June 30, 1939, to any one agricultural commodity or the products thereof in such fiscal year, shall not exceed 25 per centum of the funds available under this section for such fiscal year." Federal Surplus Commodities Corpo- ration. Continuation until June 30, 1942. 50 Stat. 323. 7 U. S. C., Supp. m, §612c. Report to Congress. Title m--Loans, parity payments, etc. CONTINUATION OF FEDERAL SURPLUS COMMODITIES CORPORATION SEC. 204. The Act entitled "An Act to extend the time for pur- chase and distribution of surplus agricultural commodities for relief purposes and to continue the Federal Surplus Commodities Corpora- tion', approved June 28, 1937 (Public, Numbered 165, Seventy-fifth Congress), is amended by striking out "continued, until June 30, 1939," and inserting in lieu thereof "continued, until June 30, 1942,". The Federal Surplus Commodities Corporation shall submit to Con- gress on the first day of each regular session an annual report setting forth a statement of the activities, receipts, and expenditures of the Corporation during the previous fiscal year. TITLE III-LOANS, PARITY PAYMENTS, CONSUMER SAFEGUARDS, AND MARKETING QUOTAS Subtitle A-Defini- SUBTTMLE A--DE NITIONS, LOANS, PARITY PAYMENTS, AND CON- tlons, etc. SUMER SAFEGUARDS DEFINITIONS Definitions. "Parity", as applied to prices for any agri- eultural commodity. Base period. "Parity", as applied to income. "Interstate and for- eign commerce." SEC. 301. (a) GENERAL DEFINITIONS.- For the purposes of this title and the declaration of policy- (1) "Parity", as applied to prices for any agricultural commodity, shall be that price for the commodity which will give to the com- modity a purchasing power with respect to articles that farmers buy equivalent to the purchasing power of such commodity in the base period; and, in the case of all commodities for which the base period is the period August 1909 to July 1914, which will also reflect current interest payments per acre on farm indebtedness secured by real estate, tax payments per acre on farm real estate, and freight rates as contrasted with such interest payments, tax payments, and freight rates during the base period. The base period in the case of all agricultural commodities except tobacco shall be the period August 1909 to July 1914, and, in the case of tobacco, shall be the period August 1919 to July 1929. (2) "Parity", as applied to income, shall be that per capita net income of individuals on farms from farming operations that bears to the per capita net income of individuals not on farms the same relation as prevailed during the period from August 1909 to July 1914. (3) The term "interstate and foreign commerce" means sale, mar- keting, trade, and traffic between any State or Territory or the Dis- trict of Columbia or Puerto Rico, and any place outside thereof; or between points within the same State or Territory or within the District of Columbia or Puerto Rico, through any place outside thereof; or within any Territory or within the District of Columbia or Puerto Rico. 'So in original