Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 52.djvu/769

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 464-JUNE 16, 1938 Forest influences. Aggregate; addition- al, from contributions. 43 Stat. 1132. 16 U.S.C . § 572. 38 Stat. 430; 45 Stat. 993. 16 U.S. C. §498. Provisos. Personal services, D.C. International Union of Forest Research Stations, contribution. Cooperation States, etc. with 43 Stat. 663. 16 U.. c..§ 564- 570. Study of effect of tax laws and timber insurance investiga- tion. Personal services, D.C . Supplies and equip- ment. Cooperation with States, etc. 43 Stat. 654. 16U. S. C.§ 567. Proviss. Localcontributions. New nurseries, re- striction. Forest influences: For investigations and experiments at forest experiment stations or elsewhere for determining and demonstrating the influence of natural vegetative cover characteristic of forest, range, or other wild land on water conservation, flood control, stream- flow regulation, erosion, climate, and maintenance of soil produc- tivity, and for developing preventive and control measures therefor, $139,152. In all, salaries and expenses, $14,410,400; and in addition thereto there are hereby appropriated all moneys received as contributions toward cooperative work under the provisions of section 1 of the Act approved March 3, 1925 (16 U. S. C. 572), which funds shall be covered into the Treasury and constitute a part of the special funds provided by the Act of June 30, 1914 (16 U. S . C. 498): Pro- vided, That not to exceed $853,349 may be expended for departmental personal services in the District of Columbia: Provided further, That not to exceed $1,000 may be expended for the contribution of the United States to the cost of the office of the secretariat of the Inter- national Union of Forest Research Stations. FOREST-FIRE COOPERATION For cooperation with the various States or other appropriate agen- cies in forest-fire prevention and suppression and the protection of timbered and cut-over lands in accordance with the provisions of sections 1, 2, and 3 of the Act entitled "An Act to provide for the protection of forest lands, for the reforestation of denuded areas, for the extension of national forests, and for other purposes, in order to promote continuous production of timber on lands chiefly valuable therefor", approved June 7, 1924 (16 U. S. C. 564-570), as amended, including also the study of the effect of tax laws and the investiga- tion of timber insurance as provided in section 3 of said Act, $2,000,000, of which not to exceed $50,000 shall be available for departmental personal services in the District of Columbia and not to exceed $2,500 for the purchase of supplies and equipment required for the purposes of said Act in the District of Columbia. COOPERATIVE FARM FORESTRY For cooperation with the various States in the procurement pro- duction, and distribution of forest-tree seeds and plants in establish- ing windbreaks, shelterbelts, and farm wood lots upon denuded or nonforested lands within such cooperating States, under the pro- visions of section 4 of the Act entitled "An Act to provide for the protection of forest lands, for the reforestation of denuded areas, for the extension of national forests, and for other purposes, in order to promote the continuous production of timber on lands chiefly suit- able therefor", approved June 7, 1924 (16 U. S . C. 567), and Acts supplementary thereto, $100,000: Provided, That no part of the latter sum shall be expended in any State or Territory unless the State or Territory, or local subdivision thereof, or individuals, or associations contribute a sum equal to that to be allotted by the Government or make contributions other than money deemed by the Secretary of Agriculture to be the value equivalent thereof; which amount shall be available for the employment of persons and means in the Dis- trict of Columbia and elsewhere: Provided further, That no part of this appropriation shall be used to establish new nurseries or to acquire land for the establishment of such new nurseries. 728 [52 STAT.