Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 52.djvu/739

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 436-JUNE 15, 1938 25 Stat. 642. Deduction and re- tention of sum for au- thorized expenses. 44 Stat. 555; 45 Stat. 423. Determination of in- terest of Red Lake Band. Use of last annuity, etc., rolls in making computation. Red Lake Chippe- wa fund to be held as a separate fund. Remainder of total as property of all other Chippewa Indians of Minnesota. Division of unex- pended balance and future funds. this Act, the total sum of money in the Treasury of the United States to the credit of the Chippewa Indians of Minnesota derived from the provisions of the Act of Congress of January 14, 1889, entitled "An Act for the relief and civilization of the Chippewa Indians in the State of Minnesota" (25 Stat. L . 642), from which total amount so determined, said Secretary shall deduct and retain in the existing fund now standing to the credit of "all the Chip- pewa Indians in the State of Minnesota" the sum of $10,000, and so much thereof as may be necessary, may be expended as authorized in the Act of May 14, 1926 (44 Stat. L. 555), and the amendatory Act of April 11, 1928 (45 Stat. L. 423), and for no other purpose. SEC. 2 . Upon so determining the amount of money to the credit of said Indians, the Secretary of the Interior is hereby directed to determine what part of said amount represents the interest of the Red Lake Chippewa Indians of Minnesota on the basis of the pro- portion which the number of Indians on the official annuity or per- capita payment roll of the Red Lake Band bears to the number of Indians on the official annuity or per-capita payment rolls of all the other Chippewa Indians of Minnesota. The last annuity rolls or the latest per-capita payment rolls, whichever are the later, approved prior to the passage of this Act shall be used in making this computation. SEC. 3 . The portion of the total funds of the Chippewa Indians of Minnesota so determined to represent the interest of the Red Lake Chippewa Indians of Minnesota shall be segregated from the said total funds in the Treasury of the United States as the exclusive property of the Red Lake Chippewa Indians of Minnesota and shall be held as a separate and distinct fund which shall be called the Red Lake Chippewa fund and shall be kept intact in the Treasury pursuant to the terms of the said Act of January 14, 1889, and shall be administered by the Secretary of the Interior as the separate property of the Red Lake Chippewa Indians, of Minnesota. The remainder of said total funds shall be held in the Treasury as the property of all the other Chippewa Indians of Minnesota. Such fund shall be kept intact in the Treasury pursuant to the terms of said Act of January 14, 1889, and shall be administered by the Sec- retary of the Interior as the separate property of all other Chip- pewa Indians of Minnesota. SEC. 4. Any unexpended balance remaining of the $10,000 set aside by the first section of this Act and all future funds derived from the provisions of said Act of January 14 1889 or from any use of funds accrued under said Act as may have been directed by Congress, shall be divided in the same proportion as the division authorized herein between the said Red Lake Chippewa Indians of Minnesota as of one part and all other Chippewa Indians of Minnesota as of the other part, and the portions thereof belonging to each group shall immediately be placed in the Treasury of the United States in the funds named in section 3 of this Act, and shall be likewise administered. Approved, June 15, 1938. 698 [52 STAT.