Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 52.djvu/733

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PUBLIC LAWS-CHS. 397, 398-JUNE 15, 1938 June 15, 1938 [H. R . 9523] [Public, No. 624] Ochoco National Forest, Oreg. Lands added. Description. [CHAPTER 397] AN ACT To add certain lands to the Ochoco National Forest, Oregon. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That, subject to existing valid claims, the following-described lands be, and the same hereby are, added to the Ochoco National Forest, Oregon, and made subject to all laws appertaining to the national forests, to wit: WILLAMETT BASE AND MERIDIAN Township 12 south, range 17 east, northwest quarter section 4, section 6, west half section 19, south half section 21, and sections 28 to 33, inclusive; Township 12 south, range 16 east, sections 1 to 4, inclusive, sections 9 to 16, inclusive, sections 21 to 28, inclusive, and sections 33 to 36, inclusive; Township 13 south, range 15 east, sections 1 and 2, and 11 to 14, inclusive; Township 13 south, range 16 east, sections 1 to 18, inclusive, 23 to 26, inclusive, and sections 35 and 36; Township 14 south, range 17 east, sections 1 to 12, inclusive; Township 14 south, range 18 east, sections 1 to 16, inclusive, sec- tions 21 to 28, inclusive, and sections 33 to 36, inclusive; Township 14 south, range 19 east, sections 4 to 9, inclusive, sections 16 to 23, inclusive, and sections 26 to 36, inclusive; Township 15 south, range 18 east, sections 1 to 4, inclusive, sections 9 to 16, inclusive, and sections 19 to 36, inclusive; All of township 15 south, range 19 east; Township 15 south, range 20 east, section 31; Township 15 south, range 22 east, section 16; Township 15 south, range 23 east, section 16; Township 15 south, range 24 east, section 19; Township 16 south, range 18 east, sections 1 to 4, inclusive; Township 16 south, range 19 east, sections 5 and 6; Township 16 south, range 20 east, south half section 3, south half section 4, and sections 9 to 12, inclusive. Approved, June 15, 1938. [CHAPTER 398] AN ACT June 15, 1938 [. It. 95571 To authorize the Secretary of Commerce to dispose of material of the Bureau of [Public, No. 6251 Lighthouses to the Sea Scout Department of the Boy Scouts of America. Sea Scout Depart- ment of Boy Scouts of America. Disposal of obsolete, etc., material of Bu- reau of Lighthouses to, authorized. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of Commerce is hereby authorized, in his discretion, to dispose of without charge, except for transportation and delivery to the Sea Scout Department of the Boy Scouts of America, such condemned or obsolete material as may not be needed for the Bureau of Light- houses, and such other material as may be spared, at prices repre- senting its fair value to the Department of Commerce. Approved, June 15, 1938. 692 [52 STAT.