Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 52.djvu/703

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 347-JUNE 11, 1938 of June 3, 1916, as amended, shall not be charged to the apportion- 392stas. 199. ments required by section 67 of that Act, but no such replacement issue shall be made in excess of receipts theretofore collected and covered into the Treasury as miscellaneous receipts pursuant to said 8 Stat. 172c. section 87, as amended, and section 4 (a) and (b) (22) of the Perma- Clothing, equip- nent Appropriation Repeal Act of June 26, 1934: Provided further, ment. etc., from Army surplus stores. That the Secretary of War is hereby authorized to issue from sur- plus stores and material on hand and purchased for the United States Army such articles of clothing and equipment and Field Artillery Engineer, and Signal material and ammunition as may be needed by the National Guard organized under the provisions of the Act 39 Stat. 199. 32.s. . 21. entitled "An Act for making further and more effectual provision for the national defense, and for other purposes", approved June 3, suewthoutcharge 1916 (32 U.S. C. 21), as amended. This issue shall be made without charge against National Guard appropriations except for actual expenses incident to such issue. Nointedunase of No appropriation contained in this Act shall be available for any expense for or on account of a larger number of mounted units and wagon companies of the National Guard than were in existence on Ptipationinna- June 30, 1932: Provided, That officers, warrant officers, and enlisted tionalmatches. men of the National Guard and Organized Reserves, who, under regulations prescribed by the Secretary of War, volunteer to partici- pate without pay as competitors or range officers in the national matches to be held during the fiscal year 1939, may attend such matches without pay, notwithstanding any provision of law to the ravel asnd subsist- contrary, but shall be entitled to travel and subsistence allowances at the same rates as are provided for civilians who attend and participate in said matches, but this proviso shall not operate to prohibit the pay of such competitors or range officers, provided funds Post, p. 66. for such payment are available from the appropriation "Promotion Reserve ofcers. of rifle practice, 1939", nor shall any provision in this Act operate to deprive a Reserve officer ordered to active duty incident to the national matches of pay for the full period of such active duty, provided funds for such payment are available from the appropria- Caretakersofranges. tion "Promotion of rifle practice, 1939": Provided further, That officers, warrant officers, and enlisted men of the National Guard and Organized Reserves may be ordered to duty, with their consent, for the care, maintenance, and operation of the ranges used in the conduct of the national matches, and such officers, warrant officers, and enlisted men while so engaged shall be entitled to the same pay, subsistence, and transportation as officers, warrant officers, and enlisted men of corresponding grades of the Regular Army are entitled by law, which expense shall be provided by the appropriation "Promotion of rifle practice"; and after being duly mustered may be paid for the period from the date of leaving home rendezvous to date of return thereto as determined in advance, both dates inclusive. Organized Reserves. ORGANIZED RESERVES Offcers' Reserve For pay and allowances of members of the Officers' Reserve Corps on active duty in accordance with law; mileage, reimbursement of actual traveling expenses, or per diem allowances in lieu thereof, as agaowanc. authorized by law: Provided,That the mileage allowance to members of the Officers' Reserve Corps when called into active service for training for fifteen days or less shall not exceed 4 cents per mile, for travel in kind, or reimbursement in lieu thereof, as now authorized by law for officers of the Regular Army, of dependents of Reserve officers who have been ordered to active duty for periods in excess Enisted Reserve of fifteen days; pay, transportation, subsistence, clothing, and medical and hospital treatment of members of the Enlisted Reserve Corps; 662 [52 STAT.