Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 52.djvu/637

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 309-JUNE 1, 1938 [52 STAT. [CHAPTER 309] AN ACT June 1, 1938 [H. R. 4276] To amend an Act entitled "An Act to create a juvenile court in and for the District [Public, No. 571] of Columbia", and for other purposes. Juvenile Court Act of the District of Co- lumbia, amendments. 34 Stat. 73 . 18D. . Code,ch.6. Purpose and basic principle. Construction of the Act. A court of record; seal; oaths. Terms. Application of Act. Definitions. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of Americain Congress assembled, That an Act entitled "An Act to create a juvenile court in and for the District of Colum- bia", approved March 19 1906, as amended, is, with the exception of section 1 of said Act, hereby further amended so as to read as follows: "PURPOSE AND BASIC PRINCIPLE. -The purpose of this Act is to secure for each child under its jurisdiction such care and guidance, preferably in his own home, as will serve the child's welfare and the best interests of the State; to conserve and strengthen the child's family ties whenever possible, removing him from the custody of his parents only when his welfare or the safety and protection of the public cannot be adequately safeguarded without such removal; and, when such child is removed from his own family, to secure for him custody, care, and discipline as nearly as possible equivalent to that which should have been given by his parents. "SEC. 2. CONSTRUCTION OF THE ACT.- This Act shall be liberally construed to accomplish the purpose herein sought. "SEC. 3. A COURT OF RECORDS; SEAL; OATHS. -Said court shall be a court of record. The court shall have a seal, and the judge or acting judge thereof shall have power to administer oaths and affirmations. "SEC. 4. TERMs. - The said court shall hold a term on the first Monday of every month and continue the same from day to day as long as it may be necessary for the transaction of its business. "SEC. 5 . APPLICATION OF ACT AND DEFINITIONS.- "(a) This Act shall apply to any person under the age of eighteen years- "(1) Who has violated any law; or who has violated any ordinance or regulation of the District of Columbia; or "(2) Who is habitually beyond the control of his parent, cus- todian, or guardian; or "(3) Who is habitually truant from school or home; or "(4) Who habitually so deports himself as to injure or endanger himself or the morals or safety of himself or others; or "(5) Who is abandoned by his parent, guardian, or cus- todian; or "(6) Who is homeless or without adequate parental support or care, or whose parent, guardian, or custodian neglects or refuses to provide support and care necessary for his health or welfare; or "(7) Whose parent, guardian, or custodian neglects or refuses to provide or avail himself of the special care made necessary by his mental condition; or "(8) Who associates with vagrants, vicious, or immoral per- sons; or "(9) Who engages in an occupation or is in a situation danger- ous to life or limb or injurious to the health or morals of himself or others; or "(b) When used in this Act- "(1) The words 'the court' means the juvenile court of the District of Columbia; "(2) The word 'judge' means the judge of the juvenile court; "(3) The word 'child' means a person under the age of eighteen years; "(4) The word 'adult' means a person eighteen years of age or older. 596