Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 52.djvu/401

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PUBLIC LAWS--CH. 223 -MAY 16, 1938 Class C. Class D. Class E. Class F. Fee, when registra- tion received on or after September 1. Deposit of proceeds from fees, etc. Uses designated. Highways, con- struction, etc. Traffic control ex- penses. Police control. Proviso. Limitation on ex- penditure. Designated appro- priations for 1938 pay- able from special fund. 50 stat. 884. pounds, $35; more than six thousand pounds and not more than eight thousand pounds, $50; more than eight thousand pounds and not more than ten thousand pounds, $65; more than ten thousand pounds and not more than twelve thousand pounds, $75; more than twelve thousand pounds and not more than sixteen thousand pounds, $100; over sixteen thousand pounds, $150. "(2) When wholly or partially equipped with other than pneu- matic tires, double the above fees. "Class C. For each trailer, when the manufacturer's shipping weight of the chassis plus the weight of the body is not more than five hundred pounds, $5; more than five hundred pounds and not more than twelve hundred and fifty pounds, $10; more than twelve hundred and fifty pounds and not more than two thousand pounds, $15; more than two thousand pounds and not more than four thou- sand pounds, $20; more than four thousand pounds and not more than six thousand pounds, $35; more than six thousand pounds and not more than eight thousand pounds, $50; more than eight thou- sand pounds and not more than ten thousand pounds, $65; more than ten thousand pounds and not more than twelve thousand pounds, $75; more than twelve thousand pounds and not more than sixteen thousand pounds, $100; over sixteen thousand pounds, $150. "Class D. For each motorcycle, motor bicycle, motor tricycle, and motor wheel, $5. "Class E. Motor vehicles not propelled by gasoline, double the fees for similar vehicles propelled by gasoline. "Class F. For dealers' identification tags, first three sets of tags, $25, and $5 for each additional set. "(c) When application for registration of any motor vehicle is received by the director on or after September 1, the registration fee for such vehicle for the registration year shall be one-half the amount provided for the class in which such vehicle falls. "(d) All proceeds from fees payable under this title and all moneys collected from the motor-vehicle-fuel tax, and fees charged for the titling of motor vehicles, including fees charged for the issuance of permits to operate motor vehicles, shall be deposited in a special account in the Treasury of the United States entirely to the credit of the District of Columbia and shall be appropriated and used solely and exclusively for the following purposes: "(1) For construction, reconstruction improvement, and mainte- nance of public highways, including the necessary administrative expenses in connection therewith; "(2) For the expenses of the office of the director of vehicles and traffic incident to the regulation and control of traffic and the admin- istration of the same; and "(3) For the expenses necessarily involved in the police control, regulation, and administration of traffic upon the highways: Pro- vided, however, That the total amount to be expended under this item shall not exceed 15 per centum of the total amount appropriated for pay and allowances of oficers and members of the Metropolitan Police force. "For the fiscal year 1938 all moneys appropriated for the con- struction, reconstruction, improvement, and maintenance of high- ways and administrative expenses in connection therewith; all moneys appropriated for the department of vehicles and traffic; and 15 per centum of all moneys appropriated for pay and allowances for officers and members of the Metropolitan Police force shall be paid from and chargeable against the fund hereby created." SEC. 5 . (a) Title V of such Act is amended by adding to section 1 thereof the following new subsections: 360 [52 STAT.