Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 52.djvu/396

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52 STAT.] 75TH CONG. , 3D SESS.-CH. 222-MAY 16, 1938 to the provisions of the joint resolution referred to in section 1 for the following purposes: To defray the necessary expenses of the com- mission in the performance of its duties, and any and all expenses incident to participation by the War Department and the Regular Army in the observance of the anniversary of the Battle of Gettys- burg at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, which participation is hereby authorized, including the expense of transportation or other move- ment to and from Gettysburg of individuals, troops, tentage, supplies, and equipment, and the cost of ammunition and other material expended or used incident to participation of the Army in the com- memoration, including the cost of renovation or repair of material so used. SEC. 3 . The commission referred to in section 2 of this Act is authorized to invite, in the name of the United States, surviving veterans, Union and Confederate, of the Civil War to reunite at Gettysburg during the commemoration, and to furnish transportation requests for travel of said veterans and attendants, in such manner as the commission may determine, or reimbursement in lieu thereof, and such per diem as may be prescribed by the commission. When rail or other commercial transportation is furnished by means of Government transportation requests, such transportation requests shall be issued over the shortest usually traveled route as determined by the commission. If travel is performed without the use of a transportation request, reimbursement shall be made in an amount equal to that which the travel of said veteran and attendant would have cost the Government if transportation in kind had been fur- nished at the commercial cost thereof. No veteran shall be provided for at Government expense in Gettysburg for a longer period than duration of the commemoration, except in the case of illness or other causes which prevent the return of the veteran to his home at the end of the period of commemoration. In the event of death while engaged upon the commemoration or en route thereto or therefrom the United States shall pay the cost of the preparation of the body for burial (that is, including the cost of a suitable casket) and trans- portation of same with escort to the home of the deceased. SEC. 4 . In the event that the appropriation from the State of Pennsylvania for the care of the veterans at Gettysburg is determined by the commission to be insufficient to care properly and adequately for the veterans while at Gettysburg the commission may apply to this purpose such funds from the appropriations which may be made under this authority as in its judgment are required therefor. The Secretary of War is authorized to lend to the State of Pennsylvania such property, including cots, blankets, and cooking and other equip- ment, under the jurisdiction of the War Department as may be avail- able and necessary to provide for the care of veterans as above pro- vided, and the money authorized to be appropriated herein shall be available to pay for any loss of or damage to such property and the cost of transportation and of repair or renovation thereof. SEC. 5. The Chief of Finance of the Army is hereby designated, empowered, and directed to act as the fiscal agent of the commission in carrying out the provisions of this Act. SEC. 6. The money authorized to be appropriated by the Act shall be available for all expenditures necessary to enable the commission to perform its duties, including but not restricted to the employment of clerical and other necessary personnel, professional or otherwise; the purchase of supplies and equipment; the leasing of land and the erection thereon of temporary buildings; the providing of lights, water, sanitation, and other necessary services at Gettysburg to such United States troops as may take part in the commemoration; and 355 Participation by War Department, etc. Surviving Union and Confederate vet- erans to be invited; expenses. Restriction. Care in event of death. Funds available in event of deficiency. Loan of certain Army equipment. Fiscal agent. Additional author- ized expenditures.