Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 52.djvu/335

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 187-MAY 9, 1938 Professional, etc., books, periodicals, etc. Additional sums for designated offices. Printing and bind- ing. Restriction. Commission of Fine Arts. Expenses. 36 Stat. 371. 40U.S.C. 104. Periodicals, etc. Attendance at meet- ings, etc. Printing and bind- ing. Mount Rushmore National Memorial Commission. Expenses. 1Pwi, p. 1128. 45 Stat. 1300; 48 Stat. 1223. Post. p . 694. 49 Stat. 962. Amount immediate- ly available. 50 Stat. 667 . Proviso. Restriction. National Bitumi- nous Coal Commis- Salaries and expen- se8. with the first-named sum of $112,000, the total appropriation for contingent expenses for the Department and its several bureaus and offices for the fiscal year 1939. For the purchase or exchange of professional and scientific books, law and medical books, and books to complete broken sets, periodicals, directories, and other books of reference relating to the business of the Department, $600, and in addition there is hereby made available from any appropriations made for any of the following bureaus or offices of the Department not to exceed the following respective sums: Indian Service, $500; Office of Education, $2,500; Bureau of Reclamation, $6,000; Geological Survey, $6,000; National Park Service, $2,000; General Land Office, $500; Bureau of Mines, $3,000. PRINTING AND BINDING For printing and binding for the Department of the Interior, including all of its bureaus, offices, institutions, and services in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, except the Alaska Railroad, the Geological Survey, Vocational Education, and the Bureau of Recla- mation, $253,470, of which $56,840 shall be for the National Park Service, $82,790 for the Bureau of Mines, and $52,000 for the Office of Education, no part of which shall be available for correspondence instruction. COMMISSION OF FINE ARTS For expenses made necessary by the Act entitled "An Act estab- lishing a Commission of Fine Arts", approved May 17, 1910 (40 U. S . C . 104), including the purchase of periodicals, press clippings, maps, and books of reference, and payment of actual traveling expenses of the members and secretary of the Commission in attend- ing meetings and committee meetings of the Commission either within or outside of the District of Columbia, to be disbursed on vouchers approved by the Commission, $9,700, of which amount not to exceed $6,360 may be expended for personal services in the District of Columbia. For all printing and binding for the Commission of Fine Arts, $300. Total, Commission of Fine Arts, $10,000. MOUNT RUSHMORE NATIONAL MEMORIAL COMMISSION Mount Rushmore National Memorial Commission: For carrying into effect the provisions of the Act creating the Mount Rushmore National Memorial Commission, approved February 25, 1929 (45 Stat. 1300), as amended by the Act approved June 26, 1934 (48 Stat. 1223), and the Act approved August 29, 1935 (49 Stat. 962), $50,000, of which $30,000 shall be immediately available, together with the unexpended balance of the appropriation for this purpose for the fiscal year 1938: Provided, That no part of this appropriation shall be expended for work on any figure, in addition to the four figures authorized by law, upon which work had not commenced as of June 22, 1936. NATIONAL BITUMINOUS COAL COMMISSION Salaries and expenses: For all necessary expenditures of the National Bituminous Coal Commission in performing the duties imposed upon said Commission by the Bituminous Coal Act of 1937, 294 [52 STAT.