Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 52.djvu/326

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52 STAT.] 75TH CONG., 3D SESS.-CH. 180-APR. 27, 1938 carrying vehicles, to be used only for official purposes; freight and express charges; newspaper clippings not to exceed $1,200, postage to foreign countries, telegraph and telephone service, typewriters, adding machines, and other labor-saving devices; purchase and exchange of law books, books of reference, newspapers and periodi- cals, and, when authorized by the Secretary of Labor, dues for library membership in societies or associations which issue publications to members only or at a price to members lower than to subscribers who are not members, not exceeding $5,000; contract stenographic services; all other necessary miscellaneous expenses not included in the fore- going; and not to exceed $25,000 for purchase of certain supplies for the Immigration and Naturalization Service; in all, $119,400, of which amount not to exceed $1,800 shall be available immediately: Provided, That section 3709 of the Revised Statutes (41 U. S . C . 5) Proviso. shall not be construed to apply to any purchase or service rendered B. S. j 3709. for the Department of Labor when the aggregate amount involved 41U.S .C .§5. does not exceed the sum of $100. Traveling expenses: For all traveling expenses, except travel Traveling expenses. expenses incident to the deportation of aliens, under the Department of Labor, including all bureaus and divisions thereunder, $700,000. Printing and binding: For printing and binding for the Depart- Printing and bind- ment of Labor, including all its bureaus, offices, institutions, and Post, p. 1139. services located in Washington, District of Columbia, and elsewhere, $245,690. Salaries and expenses, Division of Labor Standards: For salaries Division of Labor Standards, salaries, and expenses, including purchase and distribution of reports, and of etc. material for informational exhibits, in connection with the promotion Pst' . 1139. of health, safety, employment, stabilization, and amicable industrial relations for labor and industry, $169,860, of which amount not to exceed $95,000 may be expended for personal services in the District of Columbia. The appropriation under title IV for traveling expenses shall be iAttendaneatmeet- available for expenses of attendance of cooperating officials and con- sultants at conferences concerned with the work of the Division of Labor Standards when called by the Division of Labor Standards with the written approval of the Secretary of Labor, and shall be available also in an amount not to exceed $2,000 for expenses of attendance at meetings related to the work of the Division of Labor Standards when incurred on the written authority of the Secretary of Labor. Commissioners of conciliation: To enable the Secretary of Labor to conilinaoner" ot exercise the authority vested in him by section 8 of the Act creating the Department of Labor (5 U. S . C . 611) and to appoint commis- 37 Stat. 738. sioners of conciliation, telegraph and telephone service, and not to 5U.S .C. 619 . exceed $67,000 for personal services in the District of Columbia, $283,480: Provided, That persons now employed in such conciliation Reionofcertain work pursuant to authority contained under this head in the Second employees. Deficiency Appropriation Act, fiscal year 1935, may be continued in 49 Stat. 587 such employment and paid from the amount herein appropriated. Liaison with the International Labor Organization, Geneva, Swit-O nation, eneva. zerland, salaries and expenses: For a United States Labor Commis- Liaison with; ex- sioner and other personal services in Geneva, Switzerland; compensa-p4sstat. 1182. tion of interpreters, translators, and porters; transportation of employees, their families, and effects, in going to and returning from foreign posts; rent, heat, light, and fuel; hire, maintenance, and operation of motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicles; purchase and exchange of foreign and domestic books, periodicals, and news- papers; purchase of furniture, stationery, and supplies; printing and uPrtin and bnd binding; postage; telephone and other similar expenses, for which 285