Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 52.djvu/279

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 175-APR . 26, 1938 Contingent expen- ses. Public works, etc. Provim. Personal services. Construction of au- thorized projects. Boston, Mass., navy yard. Mare Island, Calif., navy yard. Fourteenth Naval District, dredging, etc. Balboa, C. Z., naval station. Annapolis, Md., ra- dio station. Ooco Solo, C.Z., submarine base. Iona Island, N. Y ., ammunition depot. Fort Mifflin, Pa., ammunition depot. Norfolk, Va. , air station. Pensacola, Fla., air station. Coco Solo, C.Z ., fleet air base. Alameda, Calif. , air station. 49 Stat. 1001 . Washington, D. C ., medical center; site and construction. tors, tires, fuel, and lubricants, one-third of the market price of a new vehicle of the same make or class, and in any case not more than $400. CONTINGENT, BUREAU OF YARDS AND DOCKS For contingent expenses and minor extensions and improvements of public works at navy yards and stations, $140,000. PUBLIC WORKS, BUREAU OF YARDS AND DOCKS For public works and public utilities, Bureau of Yards and Docks, $11,129,000, which, together with the unexpended balances of appro- priations heretofore made under this head, shall be disbursed and accounted for in accordance with existing law and shall constitute one fund: Provided, That not to exceed 21/2 per centum of the aggregate amount available on July 1, 1938, shall be available for the employ- ment of classified personal services in the Bureau of Yards and Docks and in the field service to be engaged upon such work and to be in addition to employees otherwise provided for: Provided fur- ther, That the Secretary of the Navy is authorized to commence, continue, or complete the construction of, or make provision for, by contract or otherwise, projects heretofore authorized and appropriated for under this head, and, in addition, the following-named public works and public utilities projects at a limit of cost not to exceed the amount stated for each project enumerated, respectively: Navy Yard, Boston, Massachusetts: Extension of structural shop, including accessories, service connections, and moving shop tools, $731,500; Navy Yard, Mare Island, California: Storehouse and accessories, $800,000; Fourteenth Naval District: Dredging of channels and improvement of harbors, $1,500,000; mooring facilities and accessories, $325,000; power-plant building and accessories, $500,000; power-plant equip- ment and extension of distributing systems, $2,250,000; Naval Station, Balboa, Canal Zone: Quarters for officers at not to exceed $10,000 per unit, $40,000; Naval Radio Station, Annapolis, Maryland: Shore protection, $100,000; Submarine Base, Coco Solo, Canal Zone: Quarters and accessories for chief petty officers, $288,000; quarters and accessories for officers at not to exceed $40,000 for each apartment house to accommodate four families, $360,000; Naval Ammunition Depot, Iona Island, New York: Extension of main wharf, $60,000; Naval Ammunition Depot, Fort Mifflin, Pennsylvania: Replace- ment of pier and fire-pump intake and dredging, $115,000; Naval Air Station, Norfolk, Virginia: Barracks and mess hall for enlisted men, $500,000; roads, walks, and service lines, $60,000; Naval Air Station, Pensacola, Florida: Improvement of power plant, $150,000; Fleet Air Base, Coco Solo, Canal Zone: Quarters for chief petty officers, $180,000; extension of hangar numbered 101, $140,000; Naval Air Station, Alameda, California: To continue the develop- ment authorized by the Act approved June 24, 1936 (49 Stat., pp. 1901, 1902), as amended, $4,800,000; Naval Medical Center at or in the vicinity of Washington, District of Columbia: Acquisition of land and construction of buildings, including utilities, accessories, and appurtenances, as authorized by the Act approved August 16, 1937 (50 Stat. 663), $4,850,000. 50 Stat. 663. 238 [52 STAT.