Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 52.djvu/252

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52 STAT.] 75TH CONG. , 3D SESS.-CHS. 133 , 134-APR. 9 , 1938 Marine Hospital Reservation, be, and the same is hereby, amended by striking out the last twenty-eight words thereof and inserting in lieu thereof the following, to wit: "one hundred and ninety-eight feet south of the south line of Church Street". Approved, April 9, 1938. [CHAPTER 134] AN ACT To amend an Act entitled "An Act to authorize the construction of a Federal reclamation project to furnish a water supply for the lands of the Arch Hurley Conservancy District in New Mexico", approved August 2, 1937 (Public, Numbered 241). Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Act en- titled "An Act to authorize the construction of a Federal reclama- tion project to furnish a water supply for the lands of the Arch Hurley Conservancy District in New Mexico", approved August 2, 1937 (Public, Numbered 241), is amended to read as follows: "That the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized to con- struct a Federal reclamation project for the irrigation of the lands of the Arch Hurley Conservancy District in New Mexico under the Federal reclamation laws: Provided, That construction work is not to be initiated on said irrigation project until (a) the project shall have been found to be feasible under subsection B of section 4 of the Act of December 5, 1924 (43 Stat. 702), but the project may be found to be financially feasible if the Secretary of the Interior finds that the amount to be expended from the reclamation fund can be repaid by the District, and further that the amount of money to be expended from the reclamation fund, plus the amount of money which has been made available from other sources (for the estimated period of construction), equals the estimated cost of construction; (b) a contract shall have been executed with an irrigation or con- servation district embracing the land to be irrigated under said project, which contract shall obligate the contracting district to re- pay the cost of construction of said project met by expenditure of moneys from the reclamation fund in forty equal annual installments, without interest; (c) contracts shall have been made with each owner of more than one hundred and sixty irrigable acres under said project, by which he, his successors, and assigns shall be obligated to sell all of his land in excess of one hundred and sixty irrigable acres at or below prices fixed by the Secretary of the Interior and within the time to be fixed by said Secretary, no water to be fur- nished to the land of any such large landowner refusing or failing to execute such contract; and (d) contracts shall have been made with all owners of lands to be irrigated under the project by which they will agree that if their land is sold at prices above the appraised value thereof, approved by said Secretary, one-half of such excess shall be paid to the United States to be applied in the inverse order of the due dates upon the construction charge installments coming due thereafter from the owners of said land." Approved, April 9, 1938. April 9, 1938 [H. R. 8817] [Public, No. 477] Arch Hurley Con- servancy District, N . Mex. Water supply for lands of. 50 Stat. 557. Federal reclamation project authorized. Post, p. 1133. Proviso. Feasibility to be first ascertained. 43 Stat. 702. Findings required. Contracts. Repayment of cost of construction. Sale of excess land. Application of ex- cess from sales of land above appraised value.