Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 52.djvu/205

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PUBLIC LAWS--CH. 62-APR. 4, 1938 5U. S .C. j661-674; Supp. III , §§673, 673c. R. 8. §3709. 41U.S .C .§5. Loan from Public Works Administra- tion. Reimbursement 48 Stat. 1215 . Proviso. Amount of deposit, 1939. services without reference to the Classification Act of 1923, as amended, civil service requirements, or section 3709 of the Revised Statutes, and the Commissioners are authorized to enter into contract or contracts for the completion of such unit, including fixed equip- ment, at a total cost not to exceed $1,500,000. REPAYMENT OF LOAN FROM PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION For reimbursement to the United States, in compliance with sec- tion 3 of the Act approved June 25, 1934 (48 Stat. 1215), of funds loaned under the authority of said Act, $1,000,000: Provided, That during the fiscal year 1939 no greater sum shall be deposited in the Treasury of the United States to the credit of the special account established under section 3 of said Act than is required by said section for reimbursement to the United States. Free Public Li- brary. FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY Personalservices. For personal services, and for substitutes and other special and temporary services, including extra services on Sundays, holidays, and Saturday half holidays, at the discretion of the librarian, $394,300. Miscellaneous. Miscellaneous: For books, periodicals, newspapers, and other printed material, including payment in advance for subscription Adroiso. books, and society publications, $65,000: Provided, That the disburs- chases of books, etc. ing officer of the District of Columbia is authorized to advance to the librarian of the free Public Library, upon requisition previously approved by the auditor of the District of Columbia, sums of money not exceeding $25 at the first of each month, to be expended for the purchase of certain books, pamphlets, numbers of periodicals or Accounting. newspapers, or other printed material, and to be accounted for on itemized vouchers. Binrdig. For binding, including necessary personal services, $20,000: Pro- Privisoe. Divisionofexpendi- vided, That approximately 50 per centum of this appropriation tu re. shall be expended in connection with the library's present bindery and the balance for materials and work to be performed at the reformatory at Lorton, Virginia. pCnestingent ex- For maintenance, alterations, repairs, fuel, lighting, fitting up buildings, care of grounds, maintenance of motor delivery vehicles, and other contingent expenses, including not to exceed $400 for painting the Conduit Road Library Branch, $49,650. oChevy Chase and For rent of suitable quarters for branch libraries in Chevy Chase rent. and Woodridge, $4,320. New library build- For the preparation of plans and specifications for a library build- ing to be constructed on square 491 in the District of Columbia, $60,000. Sewers. Personal services. Cleaning, repair, etc. Motortrucks. SEWERS For personal services, $175,000. For cleaning and repairing sewers and basins; including the replacement of the following motortrucks: Four at not to exceed $975 each; and the purchase of one motortruck at not to exceed $650; and for operation and maintenance of the sewage pumping service, including repairs to equipment, machinery, and pumping stations, and employment of mechanics and laborers, purchase of electricity, fuel, oil, waste, and other supplies, and the maintenance of non- passenger-carrying motor vehicles used in this work, $230,000. 164 [52 TAT.