Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 52.djvu/1722

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1686 INDEX White, Lydia M., provisions of Employees' Compensation Act extended to---- White River Basin, approval of plan for flood control, etc___-- ---- -_.- --- Whitt, Hugh (Maj.), credit in accounts-- Whitten, H. E. (Capt.), payment to---- Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge, ap- propriation for maintenance - _ -- -- - Wildlife Restoration, appropriation for Federal aid in ---------------- Wild Life Week, National, 1938, designa- tion of - -.

Wilkes-Barre, Pa., terms of district court at ---------------------. - -- - -- - - Willahan, William C., credit in accounts; payments to-------------------- Willamette River Basin, construction of flood-control project authorized---- Willapa River, Pacific County, Wash., examination authorized --------- __ Willard R. Cook and Company, Inc., re- opening of case in Court of Claims-- Williams, A. C ., payment to ---. . .-- --- Wills, George 0., provisions of Em- ployees' Compensation Act extended to..- -- -- --- -- -- --- -... ......... Wills, Henrietta, payment to-------.. .. Wilmington, N. C ., conveyance of Marine Hospital Reservation to; correction in description. --......----------- _ Wilmuth, Annie Mary, provisions of Em- ployees' Compensation Act extended to--- ---..-----...----.----... Wilson, J. L ., payment to _- _--- --- - Wilson, Raymond H., payment to----- Wilson, Samuel M., payment to -

Wind Cave National Park, S. Dak.: Appropriation for administration, etc - - Disposition of surplus buffalo and elk authorized-----------.. . .. .. .. .. Wind River Indian Reservation, Wyo., appropriation for maintenance, etc., of irrigation systems --- -- Wind River Project, Wyo., appropriation for irrigation and drainage--------- Wind Tunnel, appropriation for construc- tion, etc., of.------......------.. Wines and Liquors: Brandy distillers, exemptions from cer- tain requirements extended------- Distillates, removal for denaturation, etc., tax exemption -------- __--- Distilled spirits, floor stock tax on, brandy excepted-------------- Exemptions from additional tax---- Fairs, etc., special tax rate to certain organizations ----------- ..---- Pag 128 121; 1306 130: 129' 73i 731 1534 674 1395 1222 1225 1444 1375 1416 1263 21C 1348 1363 1366 1333 332 708 307 307 420 702 700 707 701 701 I 2 F i 'e Wines and Liquors-Continued. Fortification of wines, provisions ap- plicable to, extended ---- . .. .. . . Fortification, use of joint brandies in, re- strictions --------------. -- __ Fortifying spirits, transfer to storage tanks by pipe lines

_ Indians, sale to, penalty ---- --...... Leakage, etc., from storage tanks, re- fund of tax authorized ---------- Natural wines, provisions applicable to, extended -------------- ________ Sparkling wines on bonded premises, tax provisions extended --------- .-__ Vermouth, provisions for manufacture of ----------------------- .- - 701 Wines for industrial use, provisions ex- tended ------------------------ 702 Wines, removal of, for storage, export, etc., free of tax---- --. -- -- -- -- _ 699 Winn, Robert H., payment to----------- 1333 Winne, Ross and Gertrude, claim referred to Court of Claims---------------- 1399 Winona, Minn., bridge authorized across Mississippi River at--------------- 1214 Winschell, Dora, payment to---------- 1363 Winschell, L. E ., payment to----------- 1363 Winslow, Ruby Z., payment to--------- 1424 Winyah Bay, S. C., intracoastal water- way to Cape Fear River, N. C., im- provement authorized------------- 803 Wisconsin: Appropriation for support, etc., of Indians --------.- -..------ -. 312,314 Chequamegon National Forest, lands reserved as part of-------- . - -- . . 1533 Forestry lands granted to, sale author- ized; use of proceeds ----------- 1208 Great Lakes, agreement with States bordering on, with respect to fishing in waters of, authorized --------- 200 Great Lakes Agency, construction of buildings and utilities ---------- 1132 Lands granted to, for forestry purposes, sale authorized; use of proceeds--_ 1208 Mississippi River, bridge authorized across, at Winona, Minn ------ _- 1214 Nicolet National Forest, lands reserved as part of ---- . ----- ---- ----- -. 1532 Rivers and harbors, preliminary exam- inations authorized------_ -- - - - -_ 807 St. Louis River, bridge authorized across, at Superior ------------- 1266 Wisconsin Bridge and Iron Company, claim referred to Court of Claims-- 1395 Witnesses, United States Courts: Appropriation for fees-------- .- -- - - - 268 Per diem fees. limitation on navment-_ 260 - ___c1 __--- Page 702 702 701 696 700 702 702