Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 52.djvu/1719

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INDEX War uepartment-C-ontinued. Page Fort Sheridan Military Reservation, Ill., easement granted to High- wood, Ill., for waterworks system__ 638 Water service to post in case of emer- gency ------------------.--- _ 638 Galveston, Tex., quarantine station, plans to be submitted to, for ap- proval ------------------------- 109 Harbor, completion of sea wall pro- tection project authorized------ 196 General Staff Corps- Composition ---------------------- 610 Eligibility requirements, rescission of certain _ -------------------- 610 Gettysburg, Battle of, participation by, in observance authorized--------- 355 Appropriation for------------- 610, 1154 Helium, transfer of funds to Bureau of Mines for acquisition of --------- 655 Kelly Field, Tex., exchange of lands with Bexar County authorized---- 684 Appropriation for construction of road, etc., authorized---------- 685 Laundry charges-------------------- 650 Military attaches, rentals for -------- 653 Military reservations, transfer to Gov- ernment agencies of certain, au- thorized_--------------------- 247 Military Road, Va., conveyance of por- tion to National Airport Cor- poration authorized------------- 213 Lease of adjoining land------------ 214 Payment required for substitute road- 214 Montgomery, W. Va., conveyance to, of tract of land for public purposes - 675 Mounts, no additional allowance to officers owning ------.- ------ ---- 646 Munitions of war, educational orders with commercial concerns author- ized; appropriations authorized_ 707, 708 Appropriation for --- _------------- 1153 National cemeteries, conveyance of title to approach roads, etc., to States, etc., authorized----------------- 668 Establishment in each State author- ized------------------------ 1233 National Guard. See separate title. Nicaragua Canal, gathering of hydro- logical data authorized ---------- 808 Ohio and Mississippi River floods, 1937, use of funds, etc., validated------ 93 Oregon, Battleship, appropriation au- thorized for permanent mooring for--------------------------- 678 Post exchanges, restriction on use of funds for---------------------- 667 Preliminary examinations and surveys authorized--------- 806, 807, 1223-1225 War Department-Continued. Property being constructed under con- tract for, penalty for stealing, com- mitting depredation against, etc-- Puerto Rico, transfer of certain real 1683 Page 198 property to ------------------- 1030 Real property, sale of surplus, au- thorized ----------------------- 290 Receipts of public moneys, use of, for current expenditures ------------ 646 Regular Army Reserve, reestablish- ment ------------------------ 221 Reserve officers on active duty, pay restriction ------- _ ---- _-- ---- - 664 Reserve Officers' Training Corps, re- striction on further enrollments, Air, Dental, or Veterinary Corps------ 665 Retired officers, pay forbidden to, selling supplies to Army ----------. --- - 646 Rivers and harbors, improvements and investigations authorized; jurisdic- tion and prosecution by---------- 802 Appropriation authorized for prose- cution of projects, examinations, etc ------------------- 1225,1226 Compilation of laws relating to, di- rected----------------------- 808 Easements for public roads across lands acquired for improvements authorized; conditions -------- 807 Tennessee Valley Authority ex- cepted--------------------- 807 Exchanges of land or property author- ized------------------------- 804 Bonneville Dam, exchanges hereto- fore deemed advisable, applica- tion of provisions to--------- 805 Tennessee Valley Authority, lands of, excluded-------------- . 804 Illinois Waterway, modification of conditions of local cooperation - 805 Lake Bankhead, name of portion of Black Warrior River, Ala., changed to------------------- 806 Laws relating to rivers and harbors, compilation directed----------- 808 Nicaragua Canal, gathering of hydro- logical data authorized --------- 808 North Slough, Coos County, Oreg., time extended for construction of dike and dam----------------- 807 Preliminary examinations and surveys authorized------------------ 805 Restriction on commencement of work until project adopted--- 806 Projects authorized ---------------- 803 Reimbursement for lost, damaged, etc., property, credit of-------- 805 " " I